Posted October 26, 2014

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland

Registered: Sep 2012
From Canada

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted October 26, 2014
Post edited October 26, 2014 by F4LL0UT

Registered: Sep 2012
From Canada

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted October 26, 2014

I mean, insane may be a bit off but surely it sounds like a thought of a madman to me. To question masculinity... is like you tell the world that our civilisation is an EPIC fail. The man of the earth build it and all the nice things these people use are being made my man. And yet they "hate" it... ?
Twitter = made my man
computers = made by man
television = made by man
money = made my man
buildings = made by man
we can add all the things we have achieved to the list and in the end these people tell you how bad man are! So i think that people like Anita need help and not a computer!
Totaly Off topic but so is Anita imo whenever someone brings her up. She is a political tool thats all!

I like big bots
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted October 26, 2014

I mean, insane may be a bit off but surely it sounds like a thought of a madman to me. To question masculinity... is like you tell the world that our civilisation is an EPIC fail. The man of the earth build it and all the nice things these people use are being made my man. And yet they "hate" it... ?
Twitter = made my man
computers = made by man
television = made by man
money = made my man
buildings = made by man
we can add all the things we have achieved to the list and in the end these people tell you how bad man are! So i think that people like Anita need help and not a computer!
Totaly Off topic but so is Anita imo whenever someone brings her up. She is a political tool thats all!

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted October 26, 2014
I would like some geek culture examples please.
As for games, there are games like Rapelay and Premium Play Darkness (in Japan, but they also have a western audience, and we have Custer's Revenge...). I don't think I could say there's no misogyny in those with a clear conscience.
But there are also misogynist book and movies and whatnot, a some of them are important parts of our cultural heritage.
As for games like GTA and the prostitutes: I think people mistake the messenger for the message. GTA is satire and shows American culture (that in many forms was spread through much of the western world) from a skewed but recognisable angle. If games like these show violence, crime, and yes hostility towards women (think of the guy getting rid of his wife in GTA3), it's just that - they show it. The comment is created in your head. It doesn't mean the game or the makers love violence and crime and really hate women.
As for games, there are games like Rapelay and Premium Play Darkness (in Japan, but they also have a western audience, and we have Custer's Revenge...). I don't think I could say there's no misogyny in those with a clear conscience.
But there are also misogynist book and movies and whatnot, a some of them are important parts of our cultural heritage.
As for games like GTA and the prostitutes: I think people mistake the messenger for the message. GTA is satire and shows American culture (that in many forms was spread through much of the western world) from a skewed but recognisable angle. If games like these show violence, crime, and yes hostility towards women (think of the guy getting rid of his wife in GTA3), it's just that - they show it. The comment is created in your head. It doesn't mean the game or the makers love violence and crime and really hate women.

New User
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted October 26, 2014

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted October 26, 2014

That's correct. Heck, if games (and media in general) endorsed everything they depict, sexism would pretty much the least of our concerns. Also you couldn't use media to comment on ANY serious social issues because you would always end up endorsing them. :P

Registered: Sep 2012
From Canada

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted October 26, 2014
So, I just had a quick look at my bookshelf and was reminded of a book about the Rwanda genocide (I have yet to finish it) and found about this "lovely" lady:
I particularly like the "Minister for Family Welfare and the Advancement of Women"
If someone want to link this wiki link to AS twitter as response, feel free to do so...
I particularly like the "Minister for Family Welfare and the Advancement of Women"
If someone want to link this wiki link to AS twitter as response, feel free to do so...

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 26, 2014

It's about proportionality - the more time you spend doing a certain activity, the more that activity can account for having effect on what you do. Therefore, if someone has a bad temper and starts heavily indulging in a certain activity that does not make the bad temper go away but aggravates its effect for the worse, we can conclude that the activity contributed noticeably to whatever that person eventually commits.
If that activity happens to be playing violent games, you cannot reasonably discount their effect, even if another activity could have led to the same result.
So whether it is a sheltered life, holding grudges, or having a bad temper, if you "feed" it with 40 hours of violent gameplay a week, the effect can hardly be overlooked.
But as I said, as with domestic violence, detailed background information (about how much time who spends playing games) is not readily available when something bad happens. That makes it a tricky issue.
"If a game goes from a hobby to passion to obsession and finally to addiction, you just start neglecting other things, whatever they might be. Sure, you can get addicted to almost anything but speaking games, non-action games in particular have much higher threshold to substantially contribute to that kind of a problem. "
I agree that it's harder to get addicted to non action games. But the reason for that is non action games are not as fun as action games. :)

Here's one interesting case: (back to Stanford)
"Oh come on, I'm a gamer too and I watch Extra Credits... you don't have to feed me the basics. Let me ask again, with some emphasis: What positive things do you expect to come from a mindless murder simulator done in a grim and serious tone, where you assume role of a batshit crazy terrorist stabbing cops to death and executing swaths of unarmed citizens? Indulge me."
A game like Hatred simply offers players, something different for those who don't find the content disgusting. Some people like variety. It gets boring playing as a Allied soldier during World War 2 or some army ranger going after terrorists or some survivor fighting against zombies 24/7. Who wants to eat the same food everyday? Same thing. Hatred offers us gamers a breath of fresh air while allowing us to express our hatred of political correctness.

I stopped playing violent games years ago with the exception of a single run through Spec Ops: the Line; that game was unique and profound in its message and its gameplay was engaging but not really fun.
Since then I discovered a lot of other different genres, a lot of good old games etc., and going back to spend hours running around, mindlessly shooting stuff seems to me like a complete waste of time and energy.
Now I enjoy real fun, not that juvenile power-and-thrill thing from years before. Try it, it does not hurt ;)

Well until that puzzle is unraveled, one can not see what a game like Hatred will do to people so until then....innocent until proven guilty is the way to go. There is a reason why every civilized group of people believe in the
"Haha. The real reason is two-fold. Typically, you don't spend nearly as much time playing non-violent non-action games, which is definitely a good thing in general. "
Real life sucks for a lot of people so they need games they can spend much time playing. And without such games, you will have a lot of very angry and stressed out people. :) Think of how millions of very angry and stressed out people who hate their lives will affect the world? Not in a good way, I imagine.
"In other words, nothing worth mentioning, really. Being able to take pleasure from yet another level of psychopathy does not really count as a positive thing to me."
It's a positive thing. You are just clouded by your emotions so you can't see that it is a positive thing. Like I said, a lot of people people like variety. So if that means "another level of psychopathy" then that means variety for those who can enjoy such works of art.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Old Guy
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 26, 2014
GOG has every right to refuse to pick up any title for any reason and they don't need to offer any reason at all, much less press some social agenda. If they want to say, "We find it in bad taste" that's more than they needed to say and it's a valid reason.
From where I sit if anyone stomps out of the GoG community in a fit of pique over GOG not picking up the POS game it's no loss, no foul. It's good riddance really.
From where I sit if anyone stomps out of the GoG community in a fit of pique over GOG not picking up the POS game it's no loss, no foul. It's good riddance really.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by urknighterrant

Registered: Sep 2012
From Canada
Posted October 26, 2014

From where I sit if anyone stomps out of the GoG community in a fit of pique over GOG not picking up the POS game it's no loss, no foul. It's good riddance really.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 26, 2014

From where I sit if anyone stomps out of the GoG community in a fit of pique over GOG not picking up the POS game it's no loss, no foul. It's good riddance really.
"From where I sit if anyone stomps out of the GoG community in a fit of pique over GOG not picking up the POS game it's no loss, no foul. It's good riddance really."
I think it will be a huge loss for GOG because they will lose a lot of customers if they don't sell Hatred. Those who believe in logic and freedom will be disgusted by GOG then. And not only those who have a taste for games like Hatred.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by monkeydelarge