Niggles: Hi all,
Not much of a game player (more of a buyer tbh) these days, but was hankering to get into an online again (i passed by a copy of Destiny 2 on sale -- yes i know its more of a shooter however i was curious about single player content and comments seem to be its limited..). I am much more of a single player even however i can and do dable into group stuffs online if i have the mood haha.Are there some online games with a bit more depth which aren't called WOW these days i can try?. I liked E.V.E online (resubbed a few times) and also Secret world (i think i got busy..). Warframe and Black Tango (cant remember title exactly) were ok for a while (hit a plateau and also got busy)..Planetside ((good til server populations plummetted)) and a few others i cant recall.
As far as I know Star Trek Online and Star Wars the Old Republic are the Single Player MMOs on the marked.
Star Wars does lock story content behind a paywall though.
Star Trek on the other hand can get frustrating because many game details are explained bad or not at all. And without some knowledge you will have a hard time with maxlevel even in some story missions. A lot of mechanics to understand. Get help for a decent build and it works. The full content is open for every player on the other hand. There are still a lot of things you can pay for.
And most story missions are an instance for your own cap. No standing in line for the next respawn of the boss.
More or less an single player RPG with some social hubs.