Posted December 29, 2014

Anyway to the point, I have quite a few euro's left in my steam wallet which I don't really feel like spending on Steam. Because I'm kinda new to the forums I don't think people will want to trade with me (don't really know how gog trading works so I'm scared of getting scammed too). Is there some place where this can be done safely?
And how do you work out the trading ratio's? Is it how much a game is worth full price or the price you bought it for on sale?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm kinda new to this.
Don't want to be scammed? Look for users with high reputation and a long list of successful trades with other users with high reputation. Since you're new, you'll generally be asked to go first, so do your research. Then handle everything via PM.
As to ratios - it's up to the trading partners. :) This is a barter economy. You'll find plenty of takers for your Steam cash, but it's up to you to decide how much it's worth.