MarkoH01: I simply hope that they did not realize the problem and therefore will change it the moment they do. This thread should show help them seeing the problem at all.
Timboli: I also sincerely hope that is the case, but I have serious doubts it was accidental.
At best it is quite worrying if it was an accident.
MarkoH01: If they don't care about it - sure can't do anything about it other than leaving the store.
Timboli: While I am not happy about it, I doubt leaving the store, unless we all do it enmasse or enough of us, that it would change anything. And if nothing changes, where would I buy my DRM-Free games. ZOOM Platform is mostly too expensive or doesn't have a lot of what I want. Some other stores suffer from the same issues. I might buy some from, but that mostly hasn't been my desire to date. I gave up on the DRM-Free games at Humble due to their lack of proper service etc. I won't be buying at Steam or Epic, regardless. I know this is likely what GOG may be counting on, but I don't see the benefit of penalizing myself.
All that said, I often think about giving up on buying any more games, now that I have so many ... doubly so when I get peeved at pricing. And at some point, I need to belatedly get a lot of updates for many games I already have at GOG. Keeping on top of it all, having enough drives and time etc, has become difficult, especially as my interests and life extends well beyond games. And my age is a big factor ... I may not be here in ten years let alone twenty, and at some point I will feel too old for most games I am sure. We all have to stop one day.
If you can afford to and can find something you're interested in, I'd suggest buying on ZOOMPlat at least
occasionally - even full price - because (while I don't like the ZP/GOG beef) I think they do good work. I'd say the same for Fireflower games, though they're mostly adventure titles and I don't see them having the near-future potential (or even the desire, really) to "take off" like ZP. But I'm not gonna say stop buying on GOG if they still release what you want (though as you said you already have a
lot of games, so not buying anymore in general is totally fair :P).
For those who were only buying on GOG because they believed they were funding a "DRM-free Revolution" or "DRM-free Crusade", I do understand not buying on GOG anymore if they expected GOG to be doing more to promote and push DRM-free (like develop a DRM-free multiplayer opion). My personal opinion (not interested in arguing over it) is closer to "buy the GOG games that you're comfortable with, and boycott the ones you're not comfortable with", though that probably requires extra time to research.
MarkoH01: If they don't care about it - sure can't do anything about it other than leaving the store.
That's a totally fair opinion. Though it's hard to leave a community unless you can find another one to really get invested in.