kaboro: GOG does not deserve its name. (snipped)
GameRager: Most games are tested on basic versions of the major supported OSs...that's about it....this ensures MOST can play those games on such with little to no effort, but it does not guarantee them to run on every instance of said OSs run by everyone(as everyone tweaks their OS a bit differently/etc).
Also if I may ask: You complain and write such a misleading thread title yet have over 850 games on GOG....why is that?
Back in the day i started buying games on GoG (and steam) despite the fact i already owned the boxed versions of many of them.
The reason was i hoped that on GoG and Steam, these games will be kept alive, that is, they will be kept functional on newer systems.
Looks like i was wrong, Steam and GoG wont go out of their way to do anything whatsoever, instead they will content themselves to apply fan-developed patches if and when these fan patches exist.
So these store-fronts make money selling these games, but its up to the technically inclined players to fix them and keep them alive.
Also you seem intrigued by the fact i complain and write a "misleading" thread while supporting GOG.
Personally i see no contradiction here, the fact i support GOG does not mean i have to agree with everything they do, and i have the right to complain when something bothers me.
Dont consider my post was misleading, at least not any more misleading than GoG deciding they were not called "good old games" anymore but keeping the acronym AND not telling what the acronym was standing for....unless it was not meant to be an acronym anymore but just a name....in this case with a surely unintended biblical resonance to it :P