Okay, LootHunter, lets follow the thread of the conversation now.
babark: Even the stuff about "Gamers are dead". I mocked and laughed at "Gamers" in their mom's basements who boasted their KD ratios in CoD while yelling about copulating with my mother, and lamented that their tanks were taking the brunt of aggro to the healer's HoT in WoW (dunno the slang, don't care), long before GamersGate or those articles were a thing.
And I've been playing video games close to 30 years now. I'm HAPPY that those people don't represent my hobby, and I'm HAPPY that more people appreciate this wonderful medium like I do, I'm not jealous or angry that more women or diverse people are getting into it (as some people in this thread explicitly stated they are). That's a GOOD thing, not a bad thing.
LootHunter: Ah, so you mocked and laughed at people for not sharine you beliefs. Good. Now we know what a person you are.
babark: I mock people who took what was historically considered the hobby of excluded and sidelined individuals, and used it as a platform to abuse, sideline and exclude individuals.
To which you replied
LootHunter: And how you know that those people did that? You just took a word of Anita and Wu for it?
LootHunter: You saw what? That people were saying "I hate women/n**gers/fa**ots, only white straight men should be game protagonists"? What percentage of GamerGate did they constitute?
You can understand now that you seem to be replying to a conversation that never happened? What have "Anita and Wu" got to do with anything? "Gamergate"? What?
Gersen: But what of those who disagree that this aspect is problematic of even that enjoy this particular aspect and don't want to see it removed from new games.
As an example if somebody say : "[I]I love gaming but I do think that violence in games is highly toxic and contribute to lowering peoples empathy push them toward violence, I don't call for banning or anything but I think that developers making violent video games have blood on their hands and should take responsibility and grow out of it.[/i]" you can always argue that it's not a "
wholesome condemnation" of gaming, that they are only criticism an aspect that they find problematic, but can you really pretend to peoples who enjoy war FPS or others "
violent games" that this person doesn't want to take away the games they enjoy ?
How can you remove something from something that's new? It's not even been made yet. And interesting that you had to add the "developers making violent video games have blood on their hands and should take responsibility and grow out of it" bit at the end to make your point :D.
And yeah, you can totally make an argument that the vast majority of games being of the violent type probably have some sort of affect on the normalisation of violence. Again, they maybe don't CAUSE violence (similar to how games described here probably don't CAUSE sexism), or turn people violent who weren't before (similar to how games described here probably don't turn people sexist), but they contribute to a culture of normalisation and trivialisation of violence (similar to how such games could do the same for objectification of women).
Then you'd have innovative and cool developers making games like Stardew Valley or Katamari Damacy and so on, which is a good thing. Diversity! Lots of different kinds of games. An isolated game with the core gameplay involving violence against a baddie is probably not intrinsically bad in and of itself, but when the vast majority of games follow that same pattern, you thing someone pointing that out means they want to take away your games?
But yeah, I digress.