bler144: 1. FTFY
2. Ohhh. Well...I confess I'm still not a fan but I can see where it made sense to you. Which is...something.
3. To be fair to you, it's non-gog lingo so it was a bit lazy of me to use in a game where cristi's probably the only player who would be familiar with that type of short-hand. I should probably be more cognizant of who is playing.
It just means that, for the standards of judging RVS, voting for a non-player (moreso with a nonsensical reason) is more likely than random to be non-town, for similar reasons as voting randomly. Could give a lecture but see response to SPF above.
Could town do the same? Sure. The same as town could use to vote. Or a townie could flip out and claim to be wolf (I've seen it). But all things being equal, it's cover-seeking behavior vs. making an in-game play risking attention from someone actually in the game.
If I'd understood that you were making a reference to an interaction in the sign-up thread, I probably would have voted HSL instead of the two of you, but you voting wyrm at all still would have merited an eyebrow.
Thanks for the clarification. :thumbsup:
I disagree with your eyebrow-raising, but I think it's town.
bler144: "That is suspicious because xyz! Why did you do that?" is questioning ZFR. Great. Nice work.
"I find that suspicious!" is at least making a statement you can be held to later if it's relevant. Of some value.
While technically, yes, you have "asked a question" in that line, you're not questioning ZFR, at best you are making a fuzzy bid to throw shade without actually having to commit to anything.
So, no, no points for that even if ZFR were to flip non-town later on.
As for the cop thing, a) your proposition is at best a maybe, because it depends on what info the cop has relative to the gamestate, which could range from awesome to literally nothing of use, and b) it sounds awesome in principal, but the average townie has to try and observe and sort all the players at the table for the entirety of the game and is more likely to miss breadcrumbing unless it's super clear. Maf, again, are typically cop-hunting, and have a smaller array of players to sort. They also know some info on what is true and what is not. So breadcrumbs that are clear and unambiguous raise the cop's risk profile significantly.
So yes, the IDEAL is that the cop breadcrumbs info that will help solve the game after they're gone. The rub is doing it in a way that's clear enough to be useful to town while subtle enough that maf won't see it and end them sooner. And again, there's no standard cop, so why are you wasting text on this?
If you're town, please pull it together. If not, swell.
vote scene Hmmm...
HypersomniacLive: Not sure I follow on the getting a pass part. Clarify?
That's two people calling for clarification now.
supplementscene: Right so this is the second lie about me you've posted in only 2 pages. I replied to Flub on Post 63. I didn't reply to Flub's mocking joke he asked earlier, no. You're analysis of Scene, SPF, P1na and HSL is inconsistent and you've just tried to explain away why you're analysis has no consistency. Well no, you don't get a pass for that.
I'm beginning to think your either Mafia/Witch possibly panicking that you only have 1 buddy or more likely that you're the Neutral Lyncher and I'm your enemy. And maybe that's why Lift warned me not to reveal. Maybe he mistakenly thought I knew I was the enemy to the Neutral Lyncher. That's the only thing that makes sense in his warning to me, not to reveal roles. However perhaps you're overzealous townee, I can see that possibly but I have a suggestion after...:
VOTE Bler144 Please please tell me you posted that without refreshing.
bler144: Parity Cop please compare Scene and Bler144. If both are the same, please stay quiet for now at least. If we are different lynch Bler144 because I guarantee he will either be Neutral Lyncher or Scum. If he's not you can assume I'm obviously Scum so lynch me next round. But I guarantee this will not happen. I think I've clarified I'm definitely not Neutral, because I'll be lynched and lose if Bler144 is town or Scum. If Bler144 is town this almost confirms 2 town players. Unless we are in fact both Scum, or both Neutral, playing a VERY risky game. Arghhh...
No no no no no.
odd how this could take up the next three days of cop-time and have no result if scum get lucky. /s
supplementscene: Why would you want me to stop confirming whether you and I or on the same or differing teams? The Parity Cop get's to find out if we're on the same team or if you are in fact Neutral Lyncher or Scum. It doesn't matter if it happens over 1 or 2 nights. If we're on the same team he stays in the game hidden and if you're not on my team you're proven to be Scum. It's a win-win for town.
No suggesting town tactics for roleplayers isn't none town, it's called teamwork, which is very much what Town need to do to win. Why would a parity Cop not want to investigate the 2 most vocal and opposed players in the game thus far? It makes perfect sense.
Being condescending and arrogant seems to be your way of deflected logical criticism. I wonder why......perhaps you have something to hide.
Not happy with this at all.
Vote supplementscene Except...
JoeSapphire: Argh!
Vote Supplementscene.
Worked out well for me last game...
1. You didn't bold your vote,
2. RVS is over. It looks a lot like you're jumping on the train you think is most likely to pull out of the station.
That's scummy as heck.
Unvote supplementscene But wait, there's more! supplementscene: This seems like a huge deflection because you don't want to be investigated alongside myself to expose our alignments. Yet if you were Town it would almost certainly confirm you.
You've listed a list of spurious reasons why I'm 'wrong' in the same condescending manner. But if I am wrong, please test me alongside you and if you get lynched first and you're town, I'll get lynched. I have nothing to fear in being lynched
And another post and yet another lie, I have never claimed to not have a PR or otherwise.
So many inaccurate assumptions and conclusions in here.
If bler is town, he wants the Parity Cop to not be manipulated. If you have nothing to fear in being lynched, you're not town. Also, you've definitely soft-claimed.
JoeSapphire: <snip>
Congratulate me at endgame.
Goodnight. See you in three days.
Yuck. And you still haven't voted.
JoeSapphire: vote SirPrimalform pew pew!
(because I think he's on bler's team: Thanks for asking.)
So which are you more certain is scum?
cristigale: Right now, I'm leaving my vote on agent, I'd still like to hear more.
I'm extremely unhappy with both JoeSapphire and supplementscene. JoeSapphire is lurking hard, fake-voting, and generally behaving anti-town. Supplementscene is either scum or not listening. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and...
Vote supplementscene You're attempting to control PRs, you're throwing excessive amounts of shade, you keep claiming you're happy to be lynched, and you keep ignoring your own advice.