First off, gg Town! We almost got ya. XD
supplementscene: @Agent, can you reveal why you self hammered?
If I left my vote on flubbucket, I would have forced bler144 to either hammer me or help kill flubbucket. If he was going to hammer me, I might as well do it myself. If he helps kill flubbucket, that hurts him Day 5. So I thought that self-hammering gave him the best chances going into Day 5. I expected him to NK flubbucket, though, and hope that there was enough WIFOM he wouldn't die. We didn't have very good chances either way, though.
muddysneakers: Huh we won despite me. I guess I'm pretty surprised agent followed bler so closely so often. Made me think they couldn't both be scum.
Funny thing that. I didn't know bler144 was scum until a couple of days into Day 1. Lifthrasil had forgotten to tell us who our partners were.
@Lifthrasil - thanks for the game! It was a fun first game back.