HypersomniacLive: Could you answer bler144's questions from posts #359 and #380? Namely:
ZFR: 1) At the moment I don't see it leeeeading me anywhere.
2) I wrote why I voted Joe. If my #383 is right then obviously it's different from my own action and thinking.
mmm....I dwelled on this so it wasn't just kneejerk that you're blowing me off, but this merits a frownie face. To me it seems you're dismissing any analysis of the REASON he gives for voting and just assume that the vote stands on its own, mechanically. 1+1 = town!!!!
That's not so good.
Honestly, that makes me a lot less inclined to read your read as genuine and more like either faux-solving and/or buddying.
SirPrimalform: I dunno really, even if it was ZFR+Ix it feels like moving too fast. I'd rather lynch one and use the flip to improve reads on the other.
I *mostly* agree here, though it might have been useful if it had happened earlier in the day for various reasons - impact of potential claims (good or bad) changing the table.
agentcarr16: Ixamyakxim and P1na haven't contributed very much to the discussion, though P1na has picked it up a little recently. Lynching them would give their flip, but very little in way of learning from hindsight, I feel.
Regardless of how they flip?
agentcarr16: I feel ____ is better alive than dead as Town.
Holy shit - that's an amazing strategy! We should try that.
agentcarr16: You and ZFR have contributed enough that hindsight reading could be very strong. At the same time, your content is such that it's hard to analyze
without the advantage of hindsight reading. So I think we're likely to get the most information out of lynching one of you two.
Errrrr...ZFR I can buy. He was the main secondary D1 wagon. He's been in the middle of a lot.
With HSL is his vast array of votes and players who've voted him your starting point for analysis? If HSL flips town, what do you think agent's motivation for voting him was?
muddysneakers: I think it depends on why you think scene was the nightkill. I have my suspicions. Would like to hear your thoughts.
muddysneakers: Bler,...Why do you think scene was nightkilled?
I think the fact that you didn't get any bites the first time you asked (#288) should probably be a strong hint. Given that it's probably not you vs. 9 maf, the majority of those not answering are town.
But I'll give you some newbie grace:
The short version is that it's total WIFOM. If I spent 20 minutes on it I could probably give you 15 possible reasons, several of which will directly contradict each other (Mafia love X about the gamestate and NK scene to lock in a perceived advantage vs. maf feel vulnerable and hate the gamestate and NK on scene creates chaos or exposes someone else. Mafia did it because of bler or mafia want you to think it's because of bler. Maybe the maf team is HSL/cristi/flub and they need to delay killing off the top because it will make people wonder why they're all still conveniently alive on D3 or D4. etc.)
All those are possible, but what do you do with it? And the answer is nothing. At least for now. Read what's happening on the table.
I do have a preferred theory, but there's not really any benefit to going down this line at least at this point. For what it's worth, most of the time I've guessed in the past I've been wrong. As I think someone mentioned, you probably won't really know until you read mafchat post-game.
So it's very unlikely to help you make better decisions in the now.
Assuming you're town, the other problem is that not only do you gain nothing by guessing since it's not really based on clear evidence, but you potentially feed mafia the angle to manipulate you or other players later in the game with other kills. If 4-5 players start saying "it looks like their strategy is X!" and you're way off, it might be convenient for them to play into that theory anyway. For example, if cristi or I die N2, you have both NKs being players who voted agent D1. Is that a maf!agent strategy? Or is that maf enjoying the shade cast on town!/neutral!agent even though that may have nothing to do with their line of thought and it was convenient to kill x+y for completely different reasons?
bler144: First off, and I think you mean well, but that underlined part you just need to discount. Like being on a jury and being asked to disregard a prior statement, I know you can't just snap fingers and completely forget, but I'D be upset if you were town reading me for asking for a sub.
muddysneakers: Can anyone comment on scum bler's play? Is it possible that bler legitimately wanted to sub out but is still scum? And after deciding to NK scene he made up the part about the N1 conversation with Lift? Honor among thieves and all. Or is this something that scum bler would never do?
Bler, apologies, not trying to stir up old conflicts just want to get a better picture of this.
I mean, I would suggest re-reading the post you are quoting, particularly the first line, but obviously I can't make you.
Caught up.
After ZFR's response, he's my strongest case. The p1na bit feels out of flow from his other activity, and like an attempt to peel off a potential (and former) voter.
I also really dislike both his D1 and D2 entrances as seeming staged. Just like P1na is amazing if he faked that tone two openers in a row, two staged openers is a big concern. ZFR flip also gives more info on D1 action.
And other than ZFR/IX it gets dicier from there, and I don't see how maf!Ix if it's not maf!ZFR.
Two other maybes, but they feel like they'd be shooting randomly.
Vote stays on ZFR and it's what I would advocate at this point as the best play.
I will be at least passing through in the a.m. at least to assess revote in case of claim or other activity. After that it will depend on when night falls.