arrua: But you are talking about a whole different thing, now.
This is macro economy, this is US doing its shennanigans, you are talking about the extracost of moving goods, etc. But it has nothing to do with the regional pricing as we know it in the videogames´ market.
He did ask about foods, so that's what I answered too.
You should read my post again. The
same goods produced in our region cost more in our region than they cost outside. So where are the extravagant transport costs? Why are they not more expensive outside?
I'm not talking about some occasions, but about the regular prices.
And about the oil: Just wanted to explain partially how the big price difference can happen.
But let's look at music CDs (on amazon.xx). I keep buying them in Germany, because in Italy they are way too expensive, often cost three times more. If you want to look at digital goods, mp3s cost more on than on
In short: Yes, the same product can cost mor in one country than it does in other countries, according to what people are willing to pay for it or what is to be promoted.
You find regional pricing wherever you look with not many exceptions.