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low rated
drealmer7: that is fascicm
BlueMooner: You keep using that word...
wtf? yes, yes I do

check yourself maybe????
drealmer7: wtf? yes, yes I do

check yourself maybe????
Klumpen0815: Well, GOG is no community driven shop anymore
It never really was such a thing in the first place.
What can I say, with GOG treating its customers like fourth category citizens and them kissing ass of even such small companies like parasitic Beamdog, buying here becomes pointless really. I might as well choose Steam or Humble Bundle, at least they're not hypocrites and don't advertise themselves as "customers are most important to us". Below you will find my conversation (in Polish) with GOG representative where he basically confirms that Beamdog demanded deletion of my GOGmix and that's it. You can use google translate for that or ask some other Polish users for translation but the gist of it is that Beamdog complained about it the moment I've added Neverwinter Nights EE to that list (at the time my GOGmix had around 500 votes) and they've complied.

goral 25 Grudzień 2017, 10:18

Dlaczego moja wishlista (do tego bardzo popularna) została usunięta?

7 Styczeń 2018, 19:56
Witam i przepraszam za zwłokę w odpowiedzi.

Usunęliśmy ten GOGmix, jako że pozostawał on w sprzeczności z zasadami korzystania z GOG. Niezależnie od tego, czy GOGmixy (lub jakiekolwiek inne treści publikowane przez użytkowników na naszej stronie) są pozytywne czy też krytyczne, muszę spełniać warunki określone w tych zasadach. W tym wypadku naruszony został zakaz formułowania wypowiedzi w sposób obraźliwy lub zniesławiający.

W związku z powyższym muszę niestety odmówić jej reaktywacji. Zachęcam do zapoznania się z wytycznymi określonymi w Umowie Użytkownika GOG w tym zakresie, zwłaszcza z sekcją 12, a w szczególności z punktem 12(g): .

W razie jakichkolwiek pytań lub wątpliwości proszę smiało pisać.


Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral poniedziałek, godz. 05:51

Obraźliwy i zniesławiający? No chyba nie, to że Beamdog to pasożyt to fakt, co uzasadniłem przy samym gogmiksie i na forum. W przypadku choćby Planescape: Torment Beamdog zwalił winę na GOG-a (że to niby pomysł GOG-a by usunąć grę z listy i zastąpić ją EE), a wy dalej bronicie tej żałosnej firmy. Dzięki tej żałosnej decyzji tracicie oddanego klienta i dajecie sygnał, że nie liczy się prawda, ale kasa (i to niewielka). Ciekawe, że tak mała firma jak Beamdog jest w stanie wywrzeć na was taki wpływ i trzymać was za twarz, to tylko pokazuje jak niewielki macie wpływ na rynek (i sprzedaż).

Usunęliście nie dlatego, że lista łamała jakiś punkt regulaminu (nie łamała, po prostu przy tak sformułowanym punkcie można usunąć wszystko jeśli takie jest widzimisię moderatora), ale dlatego, że Beamdog zdołał wywrzeć na was wystarczający nacisk. Jeszcze rozumiałbym gdyby to był taki moloch jak Bethesda, ale Beamdog? lol

poniedziałek, godz. 13:12
Witam ponownie,

Masz pełne prawo sformułować tytuł i opis tego gogmixa tak, by pozostawał krytyczny, ale nie zawierał obraźliwych sformułowań, po czym zamieścić go ponownie. Prosimy jedynie o stosowanie się do regulaminu korzystania ze strony.


Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral poniedziałek, godz. 18:27

Puste słowa, a 500 głosów gdzie? Typowa PR-owa formułka bez żadnej wartości. Poza tym trudno o nazwanie pasożyta inaczej niż pasożyt, ale naprawdę rozśmiesza mnie, że dajecie się tak urabiać tak małej firemkę jak Beamdog. Zero szacunku do siebie i do klientów.

W każdym razie do Ciebie nie mam pretensji, Tobie płacą za takie gadki-szmatki i musisz kopiować i wklejać takie bezwartościowe klepaniny, pretensje mam do polskiego GOG-a, który zaczyna postępować jak Steam albo gorzej. Naprawdę chciałem wspierać polską firmę i kiedy tylko mogłem kupowałem na GOG-u, a nie Steamie, ale widzę że to nie ma sensu.

poniedziałek, godz. 19:01
Witam ponownie,

Oznaczę to zgłoszenie jako rozwiązane, jako że niestety nie mogę nic więcej zrobić w tej kwestii. W razie jakichkolwiek innych pytań lub spraw wymagających naszej uwagi zachęcam do kontaktu z nami.

Życzę miłego wieczoru,

Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
I've deleted the name of the person from support, I don't want him to get into trouble because of me since he's not the one to blame, he has to write PR bullshit.
Post edited January 14, 2018 by goral
is there a "you must follow these guidelines" list for creating a gogmix?
pmcollectorboy: Beamdog--Mosquito level
Konami, Capcom, Paradox--Vampire Bat level
Activision, Ubisoft, EA, TakeTwo, Sega--Tapeworm level
Barefoot_Monkey: What's wrong with Paradox?
They're a bit... enthusiastic with putting stuff behind DLC.
drealmer7: that is fascicm
BlueMooner: You keep using that word...
That's true for most of the peeps that toss it around.
high rated
drealmer7: GOG run by fascists confirmed, thanks

going to start buying games from humble bundle now if I can instead of GOG
To be honest though, Humble is SOOOO MUCH WORSE than gog. Let's forget for a minute about the fact I can't even log into my Humble account - all the things that make gog suck count tenfold for Humble. Outdated builds? Yup! Regional locking? Yup! Whoops, got a game that was abandoned by the dev years ago, despite game-breaking bugs? Well, you'll have to take that to reddit, because Humble has neither a forum nor the possibility to create public lists. They don't even have a review function.

Gog afforded its users a lot of leeway in the past that most digital distribution platforms won't give you in the first place.

That being said, I'm still dismayed that a two-bit dive like Beamdog would feel the need to get up gog's ass about something one of their users wrote. I'm pretty sure I could open a gogmix with the title "EA are parasites and Bobby KoTICK can kiss my ass" and put every single EA and Activision game on there and those companies probably wouldn't care one bit, neither would gog. If Beamdog were worried about their public persona, they wouldn't be selling soundtracks that used to be a free extra for 15+ year old games as $10 DLC. They wouldn't be pulling the original games so they can sell their own shit at double the price. And this latest incident is just another example why you should NOT give money to that company.
richlind33: That's true for most of the peeps that toss it around.
: P
fronzelneekburm: That being said, I'm still dismayed that a two-bit dive like Beamdog would feel the need to get up gog's ass about something one of their users wrote. I'm pretty sure I could open a gogmix with the title "EA are parasites and Bobby KoTICK can kiss my ass" and put every single EA and Activision game on there and those companies probably wouldn't care one bit, neither would gog. If Beamdog were worried about their public persona, they wouldn't be selling soundtracks that used to be a free extra for 15+ year old games as $10 DLC. They wouldn't be pulling the original games so they can sell their own shit at double the price. And this latest incident is just another example why you should NOT give money to that company.
Also: What would Beamdog have done if GOG wouldn't have complied to their ridiculous request? Not sell the games here anymore and relinquish the money? Haha, no.

GOG often seems to be less concerned about reputation damage with its customers than with companies who actually profit from them. That does make little sense to me although I can somewhat understand it in this case due to the wording.
Post edited January 14, 2018 by Klumpen0815
high rated
GOG is not a place where you can post anything (especially something that could damage their business) and the admins have to keep it because free spech. Websites are not democracies.

I understand your frustration with Beamdog's practices, but, if the Google translation is accurate, then I have to agree with the GOG employee: the wording was offensive. They offer to recreate the list with another title. The fact that the "Games that treat GOG customers as second class citizens" list still exists is proof that they don't crush all criticism.

The translation, for the lazy ones:

goral 25 December 2017, 10:18

Why has my wishlist (which is very popular) been removed?

7 January 2018, 19:56
Hello and sorry for the delay in reply.

We removed this GOGmix, as it was in conflict with the rules of using GOG. Regardless of whether GOGmixy (or any other content published by users on our site) is positive or critical, I must meet the conditions set out in these policies. In this case, the ban on making statements in an offensive or defamatory manner has been violated.

Therefore, unfortunately, I must refuse to reactivate it. I encourage you to read the guidelines set out in the GOG User Agreement in this regard, especially section 12, and in particular point 12 (g): .

If you have any questions or concerns, please write to me.


Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral monday, at 5:51

Offensive and defamatory? Well, I do not think Beamdog is a parasite, that's what I justify with the gogmik and the forum itself. In the case of even Planescape: Torment Beamdog blamed the GOG (that is the idea of ​​GOG to remove the game from the list and replace it EE), and you continue to defend this pathetic company. Thanks to this pathetic decision, you lose your devoted client and give you a signal that the truth is not important, but the cash register (and this is a small one). It is interesting that a small company such as Beamdog is able to influence you and keep you on the face, it only shows how small you can influence the market (and sales).

tl; dr
You removed it not because the list broke some point of the rules (it did not break, just at this point you can delete everything if this is the moderator's note), but because Beamdog managed to put enough pressure on you. I would still understand if it was such a behemoth as Bethesda, but Beamdog? lol

Monday, at 13:12
Welcome back,

You have the right to formulate the title and description of this gogmix so that it remains critical, but does not contain offensive wording, and then post it again. We only ask you to comply with the rules of using the website.


Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral monday, at 18:27

Empty words, and 500 votes where? A typical PR formula with no value. In addition, it's hard to name a parasite other than a parasite, but it really makes me laugh that you're getting as small a firemilk as Beamdog. Zero respect for yourself and your customers.

In any case, I do not blame you, you pay for such chatty cloths and you have to copy and paste such worthless patches, I have grudges against the Polish GOG, which begins to act like Steam or worse. I really wanted to support the Polish company and whenever I could buy on GOG, not Steam, but I see that it does not make sense.

Monday, at 19:01
Welcome back,

I will mark this application as resolved, as unfortunately I can not do anything more in this matter. In case of any other questions or matters that require our attention, I encourage you to contact us.

Have a nice evening,

Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral 25 December 2017, 10:18

Why has my wishlist (which is very popular) been removed?

7 January 2018, 19:56
Hello and sorry for the delay in reply.

We removed this GOGmix, as it was in conflict with the rules of using GOG. Regardless of whether GOGmixy (or any other content published by users on our site) is positive or critical, I must meet the conditions set out in these policies. In this case, the ban on making statements in an offensive or defamatory manner has been violated.

Therefore, unfortunately, I must refuse to reactivate it. I encourage you to read the guidelines set out in the GOG User Agreement in this regard, especially section 12, and in particular point 12 (g): .

If you have any questions or concerns, please write to me.


Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral monday, at 5:51

Offensive and defamatory? Well, I do not think Beamdog is a parasite, that's what I justify with the gogmik and the forum itself. In the case of even Planescape: Torment Beamdog blamed the GOG (that is the idea of ​​GOG to remove the game from the list and replace it EE), and you continue to defend this pathetic company. Thanks to this pathetic decision, you lose your devoted client and give you a signal that the truth is not important, but the cash register (and this is a small one). It is interesting that a small company such as Beamdog is able to influence you and keep you on the face, it only shows how small you can influence the market (and sales).

tl; dr
You removed it not because the list broke some point of the rules (it did not break, just at this point you can delete everything if this is the moderator's note), but because Beamdog managed to put enough pressure on you. I would still understand if it was such a behemoth as Bethesda, but Beamdog? lol

Monday, at 13:12
Welcome back,

You have the right to formulate the title and description of this gogmix so that it remains critical, but does not contain offensive wording, and then post it again. We only ask you to comply with the rules of using the website.


Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
goral monday, at 18:27

Empty words, and 500 votes where? A typical PR formula with no value. In addition, it's hard to name a parasite other than a parasite, but it really makes me laugh that you're getting as small a firemilk as Beamdog. Zero respect for yourself and your customers.

In any case, I do not blame you, you pay for such chatty cloths and you have to copy and paste such worthless patches, I have grudges against the Polish GOG, which begins to act like Steam or worse. I really wanted to support the Polish company and whenever I could buy on GOG, not Steam, but I see that it does not make sense.

Monday, at 19:01
Welcome back,

I will mark this application as resolved, as unfortunately I can not do anything more in this matter. In case of any other questions or matters that require our attention, I encourage you to contact us.

Have a nice evening,

Kind Regards,

GOG Customer Support Team
Post edited January 14, 2018 by Caesar.
There isn't even a list of GOGmixes afaik and finding mixes is still not easy, so my guess is, that Beamdog went on a cleansing spree again due to the re-release of NWN, because that's how their PR works, see also their own boards where they also heavily censored polite people (not me, I never posted there).

BTW: A company that doesn't create own content and ties sells of old games to their remasters is pretty much a parasite.
Post edited January 14, 2018 by Klumpen0815
That translation you've posted is worse than bad. At one point it even says " I do not think Beamdog is a parasite" where I've specifically said otherwise ("to że Beamdog to pasożyt to fakt" = "that Beamdog is a parasite is a fact").
Caesar.: GOG is not a place where you can post anything (especially something that could damage their business) and the admins have to keep it because free spech. Websites are not democracies.
No shit Sherlock. In this case though it wasn't GOG business that could be damaged but Beamdog's. Also, Beamdog is a parasite, that's just pure fact. How else can you call a company that doesn't create its own games but only MODS (or doesn't do even that and just uses mods made by fans as was the case with Planescape Torment for example) them and then removes the original and original creators!!! Suddenly it's not Interplay and Black Isle who made P:T but WotC and Beamdog. WTF?
the wording was offensive. They offer to recreate the list with another title. The fact that the "Games that treat GOG customers as second class citizens" list still exists is proof that they don't crush all criticism.
The wording is very accurate and there was no offer to recreate the list, only to create a new one from scratch. That is no offer, the one I've created had around 500 votes which were deleted and creating a list now would result in this list being buried under dozens of others.

The fanboyism of some is just mind staggering. GOG is just a shitty company too, pure and simple (I've realized it only after this incident, earlier I was trying to support Polish firm whenever I could, even when sometimes Steam had better offers). Not as shitty as Beamdog but quite shitty. Beamdog would never go elsewhere just because of one GOGmix, that would hurt them much more than it would hurt GOG (especially since BG and PT are all time best sellers on GOG) but for GOG one customer is insignificant and they preferred to comply.

What's most egregious in all this is the fact that GOG allows Beamdog to do as they please even after Beamdog falsely blamed them for the removal of original games:

Later, after that lie got exposed (since I've contacted GOG about this to clear it up) they've changed their story to "it was a joint decision":

And GOG is still kissing their ass. Pathetic.
Klumpen0815: A company that doesn't create own content and ties sells of old games to their remasters is pretty much a parasite.
And a company like BEAMDOG who forces you to buy their "enhanced" junk at triple the price of the original, where and when you want/need the original only, are BLACKMAILERS and SCAMMERS too, besides base parasites of the natural gaming habitat. Not only low, but petty low, indeed. And liars. They dared to announce more "freedom" for the buyer from their part, by doing that move, before (obligatory bundling).

I bet nobody would buy their garbage (except their targeted audience and the people they bribed with free copies), if the originals were standalone, like before.
Post edited January 14, 2018 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Judging by the correspondence goral had with gog support, this seems to hinge mostly on the word "parasite". They don't seem inherently opposed to the mix being there - just to the name-calling (no matter how justified it is). Anyone feel like coming up with a nice, clickbait-y alternate title for the mix?