JuggaRexx: As most of you probably know, Witcher 3 creates new saves every few minutes and after a few weeks of playing I've already reached the 1GB limit for GOG cloud sync and it fails sync everytime. I have manually deleted the save files from my computer but GOG sync just restores them on my computer the next time I sync.I've tried deleting them from the save folder when the game is open too but same result. I've also manually deleted them from within the game and same result.
Has anyone faced this problem yet? It seems the cloud sync feature is pretty useless if a problem like this can't be resolved manually.
The last way you tried is the proper way. I believe it must be done within the game, otherwise it will be assumed the saves were lost and need to be restored.
Never delete from the folders if you are relying on Cloud Saves with Galaxy. That's a typical weakness of such management systems, like with iTunes and music, or photo management software. Best not to do it manually, because in essence that's sort of like hacking or using duct tape on everything. Use the programs that are already creating and managing the documents for managing the documents.
I'm not going to say you caused problems by doing those other routes, I don't know. But if it were me, I'd give a little time (a few days?) of not messing with it at all, not even playing, and then try deleting the saved games again only from within the game. Things might clear up, or maybe not. Then I'd contact support if it didn't work the way it was supposed to work rather than ever trying to hack it through the operating system and its file management.
On the other hand, if you don't use Galaxy to play that game, then its saved games won't be synced or restored. No problem.