iippo: After 16 turns of rain,
human emerge victorious 2-1 ...but only barely.
The whole game was just rain. Every kick of was good for duder one way or the other. Twice he got extra rerolls, blitz on defense and twice the ball scatter straight to his thrower who naturally picked it straight up.
I on the other hand managed to push the lone wardance off the pitch on 2nd or 3rd turn or so and she got immediately CAS'ed and was out the game. Woodies suffered further 2 CAS during the match and multiple KO's - but yet managed to cling to the ball pretty well.
In the last couple turn woodies managed to pass some 1/3 off the pitch and almost score in the last turn - but luckily my blitzer + ogre combo managed to smack him to astrogranite with reroll.
quite nice and close match.
Also duder got block for his tree. i wonder if ill get one for my ogre eventually ;)
Replay has been upped to g-drive.
Go Tree! :) If the kick off events go like this in every game, we happy; made the game closer than that it would've been skillwise ;) We got some good tips out of it too; if my guys survive those tomb guardians i'm seeing good things....if they survive.....