Hawk52: I want to apologize to Mystral and DC for the last two weeks.
I try to be transparent nowadays, so I don't make it a secret that I suffer from severe depression. The last few weeks, I've been checked out mentally and I'm sorry about that. I think I'm pulling myself out of it, but for the last two weeks or so, I've pretty much shut down. I've set up arrangements to play, but both fell through. And aside from that, I haven't made myself available. Shutting down, not talking on AIM, Skype, Steam, even keeping myself offline on some of them. I just haven't wanted to do anything, let alone Blood Bowl.
In no way do I think my depression is even in the same realm of other things people have went through in the league, I'm just dealing with invisible demons in my brain. But I am sorry for how I've been lately.
Just take care of yourself man! Nro1 priority.
BB is just game, no need to stress about it one bit really. Pixels on the screen. I think everyone understands very well that RL stuff -
especially health comes always
And really, no need to make big decisions about the League - just see how your feelings go atm, if you start feeling like you can play, try - but if not - then just msg the opponent you cant. But really dont feel bad about doing so. Its all very understandable.
Msg me any time if theres something i could help you with.