I'm sure hoping to finish Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic by the end of the year. 2nd Syron scenario now, save scummed like crazy until things started settling down, but still playing like I wouldn't normally, taking risks and if I lose a hero or one of the units I consider key I reload; normally I'd be careful and defensive but... yeah, want to finish it.
Otherwise, the list for 2018 included finishing Eschalon I (started last year, got to probably close to end, then just suddenly dropped it, never got back) and NWN: Kingmaker (at least that campaign, if not the other additional ones - started in 2016, struggled with it, dropped it, may have poked at it a bit more in early 2017, not since), plus still saying I should go through King of Dragon Pass and win, but haven't even tried since 2015 after failing badly the 2nd time, and still waiting for that version 2.0 for Quest for Infamy, so did mean it for this year but at least in this case it's not me procastinating :p
But before those older "entries", Lords of Xulima would be next on the to finish list, after AoW:SM. Another case of diving right in, actually struggling through the really nasty early part, then just suddenly dropping it just as it was getting more manageable though. Definitely mean to get back to that one though, far more so than those above.
No point in mentioning games not even started.
Good luck Beatrice (nice list! only played IWD2 out of those, way back), and to everyone else posting their lists too :)