ChampionofKrynn: I have a physical disc of a game I bought years ago that I am unable to install. Can I transfer the rights and download from GOG without have to purchase the game again? I have the security code and manual. I think the disc is bad and I have a corrupted file.
GOG offers this
only for a handful of games, like S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadows of Chernobyl. I have a physical copy that I bought when the game came out and now I also have a GOG version of it, thanks to this GOG reclaim service.
Here is an article on this service. As of 2015, there were only 6 games that you could reclaim this way.
Edit: I see that
zlaywal already linked to the reclaim webpage below. It looks like two new games have been added to the reclaim program since then: Torchlight and Torchlight II