Watched World War Z last night. It's very light on horror elements (more jump scares, less blood), but it's heavier on smarter, (mostly) scientific, thriller elements, which I like. Most of the action scenes you've already seen in the trailers (with the exception of at least 1 minor and 1 major set-piece). Not a must-see movie or anything, but an entertaining film to watch in theaters, if anyplace (as it's always amusing to see the people in front of you leap two feet in the air from a jump scare). I don't recommend the 3D version, much of the faster-paced action sequences were a messy blur. It's not as heavy on CGI as the trailers make it out to be, at least.
Now I see Hulu added the live-action Fist of the North Star, so I'll be watching that later even though I have a good idea of what I'm getting myself into. :)