Fawruxu: I was having trouble running Neverwinter Nights on my computer. The problem was that I had an AMD graphics card and the game just likes to give those trouble. The fix for it was pretty simple in that I just had to rename the executable file for the game to anything else besides the default. Sadly GOG galaxy no longer recognizes the game as being installed. Is there any way to link GOG Galaxy to the renamed executable? It wouldn't be that big of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that I also don't seem to have access to the manual either since it thinks the game isn't installed. I suppose I could probably download a non-working version to a different location but that's more of a work around than an actual fix and also wastes disk space. Sorry if this question has already been answered and if it hasn't then I would love if someone could point me in the right direction here.
Hmmm... just renaming it made it work...
Could it be that your AMD graphics card is running some sort of program that has a set of 'profiles' built-in to it for games?
For example, NVIDIA graphics cards insatall an NVIDIA Control Panel (that you can open by just right-clicking anyplace on the desktop). (Ref. attached screenshot)
YOu can see on the screenshot that, for example, the game Death to Speis is listed on the droplist. Note that the name if it's executable is also listed there. The 2nd screenshot shows the droplist dropped-down - where you can see a crapload of games listed (each with the name of its executable alongside it).
These are "profiles", and if you rename the executable - the "profile" loses track of it, and thus does not "apply" the profile settings to the game.
Perhaps the profile settings are what is keeping the game from running. An thus, perhaps if you just turned off the profile for that game (or turned off or tweaked some of the individual settings), the game would then run, without renaming it.
Maybe it's just easier to rename it and carry on. But in case this might be the cause; I thought I'd at least point it out to you..