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I am not in because I've been ninja-gifted recently and don't want to be greedy, but I used to joke with a coworker how he was racist whenever he ate white chocolate or didn't want black olives in his pizza. He of course knew I was kidding, he is married to a black woman after all.

edit: former co-worker. He works elsewhere for a few years now but we still keep in touch and I hold both him and his wife in high esteem.
Post edited April 09, 2019 by joppo
high rated
Ashleee: I understand the intention of creating this thread is not bad, but just in case, we are keeping a very close watch on this thread. If anything goes wrong we will lock it immediately.
In other words, this thread is problematic. ;D
Post edited January 07, 2021 by servobeupstry
Not in. But indeed everything seems to be; the way we're going.
Post edited April 09, 2019 by NovumZ
This thread was made at the perfect time for this.

Shazam having people able to transform from one body to another is fatphobic/disabledphobic.
Ashleee: I understand the intention of creating this thread is not bad, but just in case, we are keeping a very close watch on this thread. If anything goes wrong we will lock it immediately.
And who's gonna monitor the monitors again?!?

"Big sister" is watching us and that's really problematic! Hey, sister, leave us kids alone!

EDIT: Not in, btw. I'm more of a giver than a taker ;)
Post edited April 09, 2019 by sanscript
Blizzard Forbids “Okay” Symbol in Overwatch League Arena – Claims It’s a “White Power Symbol”.

I'm in for the Grim Dawn - Crucible DLC.
Post edited April 10, 2019 by ariaspi
GameRager: (Addition: Contest is marked as a question thread as REP will be awarded to the second place winner)

(Addition 2: Contest is due in large part to the kindness of GOGGER BeatriceElysia, who bought me games and didn't want return payment in the end. I donate the repayment to the board in the form of this contest.)

With life(seemingly) causing my mind to fall deeper into the Lovecraftian-horror styled madness with each passing day, I decided to hold a contest to cheer myself (and 1 lucky GOGGER) up.

Prize: 1 GOG game(up to 7-8 american dollars) of one's choosing

How to enter: Simply list(URL to news article/etc or just mentioning it) something listed recently(within the past few years) as Problematic/x-ist(racist/'sexist/etc) which is harmless/innocuous/etc. Your example can be realistic(with links to info/news on such), or even a joke on what you think will get labelled "problematic" next.

Also mention what game you want if you win, obviously. :)

(Winner will be chosen at random by R.N.G.)

(Example: recently people have tried to get MILK labelled as racist because some trolls made memes about nazzis drinking/promoting milk.)

The contest will be open until the 12th/13th(so at midnight on the start of the 13th) Eastern Standard Time.



1. fronzelneekburm
White Porgy and Bess cast ‘asked to say they identify as African-American’ Hungarian singers allegedly signed paper to bypass stipulation of all-black cast

I am in for Freespace 2:
Post edited April 10, 2019 by TheBigCore
BenKii: Thanks for the giveaway. I'm in for Escape from Monkey Island.

Article is about a student that got suspended from school for shaping his pop tart into a gun. That's stupid on its own but it's what my state did afterward that's even dumber.

Florida actually passed a 'pop tart' gun bill that prevents schools from disciplining kids from playing with simulated weapons (aka pop tart guns). Yup, politicians at their finest. /sarcasm
That law actually sounds keeps people from stopping kids from playing cops/robbers and just having fun(but yeah, you'd think kids could do that WITHOUT a law)

servobeupstry: Thanks, I'm in for "Renowned Explorers: More To Explore".

Zara Withdraws T-Shirts After Accusations Online of Anti-Semitism

“The design of the T-shirt was only inspired by the sheriff’s stars from the classic Western films, as the claim of the T-shirt says,” the company said in its statement... The shirt has a large six-pointed yellow star over dark horizontal stripes. It was strikingly similar to the appearance of uniforms that Jews were made to wear in concentration camps, which had a similar star and vertical stripes.
Interesting...well at least this one seems like a legitimate concern(the design DOES look a good bit like nazzi prison camp uniforms/symbols), but justified or no you're still in. ;)

Sidenote: A sneaker company had to cancel an entire shoe line because the design on it's bottom resembled a certain group's religious term. What a waste of good(subjective quality) shoes(why not just sell them to other people? :\)

joppo: I am not in because I've been ninja-gifted recently and don't want to be greedy, but I used to joke with a coworker how he was racist whenever he ate white chocolate or didn't want black olives in his pizza. He of course knew I was kidding, he is married to a black woman after all.

edit: former co-worker. He works elsewhere for a few years now but we still keep in touch and I hold both him and his wife in high esteem.
This makes me smile(that people joked about sorta-rassist stuff and realized the best way to get rid of rassism/x-ism is to not let it have any power over people by ignoring it/joking about it). Have a good day, m8.

servobeupstry: The Alt-Right Thinks Wolfenstein The New Colossus Is Racist to White People

"A loud and unapologetic contingent of people online are saying that it's unfair to paint Nazis as villains"
But the Nazzis WERE vill.....oh, why bother. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the interesting read, at any rate.

ariaspi: Blizzard Forbids “Okay” Symbol in Overwatch League Arena – Claims It’s a “White Power Symbol”.

I'm in for the Grim Dawn - Crucible DLC.
I find it "funny"(not in a good way. i'm not laughing at anyone here, in case anyone's reading this) that this started as a larp/troll by the chans(to cause people to THINK such a symbol was bad/x-ist) and see if people would "bite" and accept it as such. This only serves to prove my belief that SOME people(execs/managers in general) are too dumb to be in charge of stuff.
Post edited April 13, 2019 by GameRager
misteryo: This is a bad idea.

I can tell that you mean it to be lighthearted and harmless. However, this forum regularly goes ballistic over the topic of what some people find problematic and what others find innocuous.

Please, cancel this giveaway and ask support to close the thread.
Why?(I ask to be genuinely curious, and to illustrate a point[NOT to cause any troubles], btw) It might upset some people incidentally, but that was not my intention(which was to illustrate an issue facing society in a lighthearted way while allowing myself and others experiencing such to vent in a peaceful manner) & I shouldn't have to avoid stepping on eggshells and avoid the issue because it might bother a few people. Imo, sometimes(within reason) people should be allowed to vent in a nice/civil way. It helps ease stress and avoid problems from happening in our society at large,

(I won't intentionally try to start any problems, though, and dissuade others from doing the same)

(Addition: All this is a moot point, however, as the contest is over as soon as I tally the votes.)

Ashleee: I understand the intention of creating this thread is not bad, but just in case, we are keeping a very close watch on this thread. If anything goes wrong we will lock it immediately.
I understand, and am glad you guys/gals/ chose to be lenient and allow it within reason. :)

sanscript: EDIT: Not in, btw. I'm more of a giver than a taker ;)
Nice article(it makes some good points)....saved.
Post edited April 13, 2019 by GameRager
BenKii: Thanks for the giveaway. I'm in for Escape from Monkey Island.
Guess what, m8? You WIN! XD

(I tried chatting with you, but gog says a user with your name doesn't exist, and clicking to view your profile leads to a 404 page. If you could accept my friend request i'll see if that allows me to send you your game code. If that doesn't work i'll try finding another way to get it to ya.)

aRealCyborg: I am in i found this one time
really like why.

(Also i think this contest can go bad if you get trolls here)

If i win can i have risk of rain? if that is to much please tell me
You didn't win this time, but you DO get the runner up prize of 5 free rep points(complete with imaginary cupcakes:D)

Ya know what.....if I have money next month(and you still don't have the game) I will gift it to ya then. :)
Post edited April 13, 2019 by GameRager
BenKii: Thanks for the giveaway. I'm in for Escape from Monkey Island.
GameRager: Guess what, m8? You WIN! XD

(I tried chatting with you, but gog says a user with your name doesn't exist, and clicking to view your profile leads to a 404 page. If you could accept my friend request i'll see if that allows me to send you your game code. If that doesn't work i'll try finding another way to get it to ya.)
Thanks GameRanger! :D

I didn't have any issue initiating chat with you but I'll accept the friend request anyway.
Istism and ismist. LAWAL!

Alien Head
Post edited April 13, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012