Posted October 20, 2015

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Mangeon Duster
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted October 20, 2015

However, I was a kid at the time and my sense of quality might have been very different. I read the first Dragonlance trilogy again somewhat more recently and it was still an okay read, but not the awesome epic that I remembered.

New-ish User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain
Posted October 20, 2015
More like, some are extremely bad. But there are some surprisingly good ones out there too, I personally enjoyed Lord Toede quite a bit.

Lord of Catz
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted October 20, 2015
There are plenty good books that deserve an RPG adaptation. Malazan and The Black Company along with Dragonlance should get the treatment that The Witcher had

The Red Blaze
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 21, 2015

Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting, same as Greyhawk, Dark Sun and Dragonlance.
And while the rules may have been similar, don't forget that in 1996 Dragonlance switched to the SAGA System, so even the rules differed.
Unless by Forgotten Realms you mean generic fantasy, which would be similar to calling all platformers Super Mario, or all first person shooters Doom.
Also, I take the games for the systems that they were used with. In this case, AD&D 1st/2nd edition. I couldn't care less about your pedantic need to inform where the system went YEARS after these games were released being that that's not what we're talking about here.
Post edited October 21, 2015 by Firebrand9

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 21, 2015
Considering I've only read the first 3 Dragonlance novels, I don't think I'm qualified to talk about the books.
So Pantheon, Geography, Heroes. Which is different.
Firebrand9: And, I do mean it is fantasy, but a specific IP of fantasy with its own trappings, but to over-generalize as you did is kind of reaching. Yes, and the Forgotten Realms fantasy is different from the Dragonlance fantasy. Magic use is different, heroes are different (not as often seen, focused on other things), common life is different and so on.
Firebrand9: D&D IS fantasy, but it does have it's own flavor. I don't think I should need to explain this. D&D is not Forgotten Realms, though Forgotten Realms is D&D.
Firebrand9: Also, I take the games for the systems that they were used with. In this case, AD&D 1st/2nd edition. So Doom is the same as Ultima Underworld because they use a similar movement system?
Firebrand9: I couldn't care less about your pedantic need to inform where the system went YEARS after these games were released being that that's not what we're talking about here. You're right. We are talking why two campaign settings are the same. Which they are not.
P.S. And we were talking about the Dragonlance universe, not the Dragonlance games. So the rules system may not be a part of it at all.
So Pantheon, Geography, Heroes. Which is different.

P.S. And we were talking about the Dragonlance universe, not the Dragonlance games. So the rules system may not be a part of it at all.

The Red Blaze
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 21, 2015

The Red Blaze
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 21, 2015
Except I made a valid point, and you're grasping at straws to make some sort of preposterous non-point. And they don't use similar rules, they use THE SAME DAMN RULES. Don't bother me anymore with your misunderstanding of my posts.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 21, 2015

Similar. You yourself said about amendments to new classes and dragon handling.
I am known to misunderstand things now and then. So, let me ask you for clarification:
What parts of the Forgotten Realms universe can be found in the Dragonlance universe, which are part of the Forgotten Realms and not the D&D one?

The Red Blaze
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 25, 2015

What parts of the Forgotten Realms universe can be found in the Dragonlance universe, which are part of the Forgotten Realms and not the D&D one?
<facepalm> <of epic proportions>
See, here's the problem. You can't even grasp the fundamental comparison being made.
D&D uses a cohesive system; 90% of it carries over from FR to DL. I already answered this, so if you're not getting it, I'm not sure how to help you. Play a lot of D&D. Maybe it'll become clearer.
Or try this.
At this point I'm convinced you have either some sort of psychological disorder or a significant reading comprehension issue.
I answered a question pertaining to the comparison of the previous D&D games released here; Forgotten Realms setting. What you're attempting to do, I have no idea. Just.... go ride your unicorn!
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Firebrand9

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 25, 2015
I can. You are comparing Forgotten Realms to Dragonlance, and say that if you've are familiar with Forgotten Realms, you will find most of their components in Dragonlance. What I don't object to is that most parts of D&D can be found in both FR and Dragonlance, but the settings contain unique things in them.
Firebrand9: D&D uses a cohesive system; 90% of it carries over from FR to DL. I already answered this, so if you're not getting it, I'm not sure how to help you. Play a lot of D&D. Maybe it'll become clearer. I have. In more than one campaign setting. And I know that stuff I could get away with in one would get me killed in others (like using arcane magic, or being a goody-two-shoes).
I did. Most discuss the quality of the books, but a few do mention that FR and Dragonlance differ in terms of Pantheon, Geography and Characters. Not to mention morality and goals of the players in the Campaigns.
And Orcs. Don't forget about orcs.
Sorry, too long since I last could see the unicorns.

I did. Most discuss the quality of the books, but a few do mention that FR and Dragonlance differ in terms of Pantheon, Geography and Characters. Not to mention morality and goals of the players in the Campaigns.
And Orcs. Don't forget about orcs.
Sorry, too long since I last could see the unicorns.

The Red Blaze
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 25, 2015
I see. So, you're trolling. Dipshit...

Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted October 25, 2015
Apparently there once was a proposal for a RPG in the style of Baldurs Gate set in the Malazan world. But Erikson didn't like it as he wanted something more like a FPS. I'm still shocked about that :/
Post edited October 25, 2015 by immi101