Posted September 24, 2015

I talk about Bloodlines at parties
Registered: Dec 2012
From Norway

Registered: Oct 2013
From Turkey
Posted September 24, 2015
For me the game of 2014 is Divinity: Original Sin. They invented a new game play style which I am hoping will be followed by many other games in the future.
Dragon Age Origins is an amazing game. After we stoped playing Inquisition, we installed Origins again and started playing.
However, I disagree with the opinion that DA:O is the successor of Baldur's Gate. Why?
1. You have only 3 race. In BG you have 7.
2. There is only 3 class. In BG you have around 20 with the multi-class chars.
3. The spells are very limited. No charm spells. Your characters can not be charmed or be afraid. Crowd control is limited to doing most damage.
4. Story is pure cliche. The first time Baldur's Gate experience was unique. You were meeting new things in every step and you werent sure what will happen in the end. However in Dragon Age you know exactly what will happen and nothing you do changes that.
That's why, I believe Dragon Age is a unique game which is a lot of fun to play but a very different game style than Baldur's Gate. For me the true successor of BG is Divinity Original Sin.
Dragon Age Origins is an amazing game. After we stoped playing Inquisition, we installed Origins again and started playing.
However, I disagree with the opinion that DA:O is the successor of Baldur's Gate. Why?
1. You have only 3 race. In BG you have 7.
2. There is only 3 class. In BG you have around 20 with the multi-class chars.
3. The spells are very limited. No charm spells. Your characters can not be charmed or be afraid. Crowd control is limited to doing most damage.
4. Story is pure cliche. The first time Baldur's Gate experience was unique. You were meeting new things in every step and you werent sure what will happen in the end. However in Dragon Age you know exactly what will happen and nothing you do changes that.
That's why, I believe Dragon Age is a unique game which is a lot of fun to play but a very different game style than Baldur's Gate. For me the true successor of BG is Divinity Original Sin.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Lithuania
Posted September 24, 2015

If Witcher 3 came out in the same year as Shadow of Mordor it would have been destroyed by people who played Witcher 3 earlier (aswell as DA:I)
Anyway what 2014 game you feel deserves GOTY?
Anything but Bioware's latest bowel movement or Blandness of Mordor.

Boycott - April 2020.- ?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Croatia
Posted September 24, 2015
Bioware is a dead zombie company! No more flare, fire, imagination, inovation like in DA:O and Mass Effect 1; last two Bioware games worth something; worth buying; only on GOG of course! Hint, hint! ;-)
And DA:I should have a WGOTY Edition. Button-mashing, QTE-sequences, No-RPG like, Console oriented piece of crapware + Denuvo Anti-Tamper (1.000.000 €)!
That's my two cents! ;-)
And DA:I should have a WGOTY Edition. Button-mashing, QTE-sequences, No-RPG like, Console oriented piece of crapware + Denuvo Anti-Tamper (1.000.000 €)!
That's my two cents! ;-)
Post edited September 24, 2015 by GlorFindel

Registered: Feb 2010
From Finland

Famous Titles
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted September 24, 2015
Did EA hire someone from 2K?

Boycott - April 2020.- ?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Croatia
Posted September 24, 2015

That's my two cents! ;-)

And so I never bought the game and never will and he never finished it!

New User
Registered: Jul 2015
From Germany
Posted September 25, 2015

And so I never bought the game and never will and he never finished it!