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high rated
I opened several support tickets concerning bugs in the website:
False sort order, false/disappeared user ratings, login and logout redirects to main page, etc ...
All were forwarded to the web developer team. Not a single problem has been solved until now.
And I'am talking only of bugs, and not of the website-redesign

And I opened a (to my mind) very constructive thread about bugs and improvements for the website.
Nothing has been changed until now and I don't think that GOG ever will change anything at all. Even the errors will stay.

And furthermore, some tickets were set as "solved" even if nothing had been done.
support ticket for login error
Or ticket for false sort order, which still doesn't work.

This shows a serious lack of interest in customers. Its a pity that this site, which has a unique collection of old and new games, is managed so bad.
support1.jpg (445 Kb)
high rated
I'm actually surprised that you still had faith in GOG fixing this broken mess. It's been two months and they haven't even really acknowledged the problems, so yeah...

(And that's not even speaking about all the other issues before the update that have been lingering around forever.)
high rated
I never really expected them to fix anything, but only to not make it worse. Seems, however, that even those expectations were a tall order.
high rated
I've made the site mostly usable for myself by fixing some of the stuff I dislike with a script. And on Galaxy, I've set it to go to my library and I only use it to launch or install games.

GOG seems determined to help Valve get more money though with this nonsense. Non of this is hard or particularly time consuming to fix.
Post edited November 23, 2018 by user deleted
high rated
It feels like they just don't know what they're doing and they don't seem to care any more.
So mote it be.
Competent they certainly aren't.
Mr.Mumbles: Competent they certainly aren't.
The individuals I had contact with seemed pretty competent. I think it's a lack of guidance and structure - and a jungle of legacy code coming from a decade of that.

It doesn't need fixed. Just improved.

And if you happen to know of any Polish based English speaking webdevelopers

Sorry, even I couldn't finish that with a straight face.

I have my doubts that any aspiring web developer or beyond would really want to work in Poland, GOG. Think about hiring externally.
low rated
surfersurfer: I opened several support tickets concerning bugs in the website:
False sort order, false/disappeared user ratings, login and logout redirects to main page, etc ...
All were forwarded to the web developer team. Not a single problem has been solved until now.
And I'am talking only of bugs, and not of the website-redesign

And I opened a (to my mind) very constructive thread about bugs and improvements for the website.
Nothing has been changed until now and I don't think that GOG ever will change anything at all. Even the errors will stay.

And furthermore, some tickets were set as "solved" even if nothing had been done.
support ticket for login error
Or ticket for false sort order, which still doesn't work.

This shows a serious lack of interest in customers. Its a pity that this site, which has a unique collection of old and new games, is managed so bad.
So they didnt change anything in one month since your constructive thread, so you decided to make a destructive thread out of frustration, makes perfect sense to me...
Also the issues you mentioned seemed like the groundbreaking bug type that should be addressed on the double, chop chop.
So that irefutably shows a "lack of interest in customers"......well to be honest that shows a crybaby that hasnt been given the attention he thinks he deserves as a valued customer.
Cry me a river.

To be honest i have a few issues with GOG myself, especially when comparing it with Steam, but after pondering things i realise that is a direct consequence of DRM-free, of the actual developments in the game industry politics, of global economics and last but not least, Steam monopoly strategies.
Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Indie Gala, and others, they all go crazy about selling STEAM ONLY CODES at a massive discount, thats sometimes irresistible for the average player like myself.
GOG does not have this "muscle", and probably will never have, its not a lack of interest in customers, its a lack of re$ource$.

So maybe cut them some slack for not changing their website according to your suggestions within a month? What do you think?
Post edited November 24, 2018 by kaboro
kaboro: Poland is a wonderful country with wonderful people, and every aspiring developer would be delighted to work there, unlike a certain country that democratically elected Trump as their leader...and most likely they will re-elect him again, just as they did with Bush....and yet somehow the inhabitants of that sh*thole think they are better than the rest of the world and allowed to judge freely without being judged back....wake up to reality.
Please read the forum rules:
low rated
USERNAME:kaboro#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:10#Q&_^Q&Q#Poland is a wonderful country with wonderful people, and every aspiring developer would be delighted to work there, unlike a certain country that democratically elected Trump as their leader...and most likely they will re-elect him again, just as they did with Bush....and yet somehow the inhabitants of that sh*thole think they are better than the rest of the world and allowed to judge freely without being judged back....wake up to reality.#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:10#Q&_^Q&Q#
Cool beans bro, now why werent you so fast to wave the rules of conduct in the face of the poster i replied to?
At least i admitted my post was bad and i stated i was mirroring his behaviour.
Blind of one eye are you?
kaboro: Cool beans bro, now why werent you so fast to wave the rules of conduct in the face of the poster i replied to?
At least i admitted my post was bad and i stated i was mirroring his behaviour.
Blind of one eye are you?
Um because that person didn't really break any rules and you clearly did by making this thread political?
low rated
USERNAME:kaboro#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:13#Q&_^Q&Q#Cool beans bro, now why werent you so fast to wave the rules of conduct in the face of the poster i replied to?
At least i admitted my post was bad and i stated i was mirroring his behaviour.
Blind of one eye are you?#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:13#Q&_^Q&Q#
Clearly you are right, because you presented logical arguments...i mean just uttering the word "clearly", makes you clearly correct, and you are clearly right, and above everybody else.
He clearly didnt break any rules and i clearly broke rules, based on your clearly reflected arguments.
Gotcha, i shouldve known, thank you for the lesson in clearly-ness, i stand instructed.
low rated
Boycott GOG