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Nevermind, I'm asking for a refund.

Just now, after redoing an encounter for around an hour or two I realized that the fucking side-quest is bugged and I can't finish it, simply amazing. The devs did a bang up job with this game! ;)
I'll either wait another month for the game to get a 80/90% discount or I'll just forget about this pos completely.
Original post, for the 1 or 2 people that might potentially be interested:

This isn't supposed to be a rant, but it probably reads like one. :P
Sorry to ask this question here, but the subforum is deserted.

I'm not far into the game and I honestly try to like the game, but so far I absolutely loathe it. I'm close to refunding if I'm being honest, I don't enjoy the game at all.

I have to save scum almost every encounter and I barely scrape by...on the normal difficulty level and enemies that are around my level.
Recently I replayed and beat Showgunners on the hardest difficulty and I don't have problems with XCOM and XCOM 2 on their harder difficulties, but this game is kicking my ass non-stop.

I just can't wrap my head around how the following are fun mechanics:

Too many enemy types are HP sponges, they have 200+ hp, some weapon types only to 20-30 dmg to them and I, at this point, have no good alternatives to use during combat.

I hate the fact that I have to stealth kill 70-80% of an enemy group before I can even attempt to fight them head on or else I'm forced to chug consumables like crazy. If I miss a stealth crit and the enemy survives, the whole group aggros and rushes me resulting in an unwinnable encounter.

Enemies only have to hit my characters 2-3 times and they are down/need to get resurrected. Yes, there's perks to increase health, but those are boring, I'd rather play around with active skills instead of passive stat increases.

RNG is almost never in my favor, they hit my characters behind cover when they have a 20-30% hit chance way too often, yet it feels like I miss every third 70+% shot. I almost never land crits, despite having a crit chance of 75+%.
I'm exaggerating (a bit), but seriously, missing multiple 75% or 85% shots in a row isn't likely.

You can't experiment at all from what I've experienced, there is one solution to win an encounter and you better use it or else you lose...or you have to waste a lot of consumables.

Does it get better or does it stay the way it is and the game simply isn't for me?
I probably just suck at the game, but to me the gameplay is pure tedium and I can see why it's already 40% off. I'll try the easy difficulty a bit, but I'm not holding my breath to be honest.

The ai shouldn't, but seemingly knows, when I use the Overwatch abiluty, which tiles to avoid. This might be coincidence, but it does look like they avoid such tiles.

TLDR: Does Miasma Chronicles get better, as in, do you get more options in combat scenarios?
Or rather, does it get easier?
Post edited July 02, 2023 by NuffCatnip
NuffCatnip: it feels like I miss every third 70+% shot.
"miss every third shot" is roughly what "70%" really means. As you're mentioning XCOM and XCOM 2, it's worth noting that those games lie about the stats - in those games, "70%" in the UI means "much better than 70%" behind the scenes.
NuffCatnip: it feels like I miss every third 70+% shot.
octalot: "miss every third shot" is roughly what "70%" really means. As you're mentioning XCOM and XCOM 2, it's worth noting that those games lie about the stats - in those games, "70%" in the UI means "much better than 70%" behind the scenes.
Yes, but I'm including 80% and 90% shots.

Might be the case, I don't know how the game calculates the chances and if the numbers displayed actually mean anything, but in XCOM hitchances feel fairer or rather the displayed numbers fit the actual hitchances.
You made the right decision. If you don't like figuring out how to silently ambush lots of enemies, the game isn't for you. Having already played through Mutant: Year Zero I started playing on Extreme/Full Tactical difficulty, and I never have to use a lot of consumables. And after I found out how to farm plastics I bought every consumable in both stores.

I suppose it's possible to play without a lot of silent ambushes if you rely on shotguns and use Miasma Storm to put one or two enemies in shotgun blast cones, especially if the shooter has Rage 100. Jade can use Battlecry to give 40 Rage to Elvis and Diggs, so I started stalling when there was only a single enemy left, often managing to give both Elvis and Diggs Rage 100 before Jade finished off the last opponent. That made both silent ambushes and initial assaults a lot more effective. It's not so much a tactical game as a combat puzzle. And there are many ways to go about it. But sure, very tedious.

And yeah, enemies definitely try to avoid Overwatch tiles. I think those are visible if enemies use Overwatch as well, and the game will try to avoid dangerous tiles when the player moves characters too. I've read posts saying Overwatch is a powerful ability, but I only ever used it for the Hold the Line achievement, or when Elvis didn't have anything better to do. I much prefer to not have to rely on enemy movement to shoot them.