Posted July 22, 2018
LootHunter: You still don't get it. Yes, the same joke can be made for different reasons and with different intents. But how can you discern which intent in which joke? Do you really believe that it is enough to be "remotely intelligent" person to see what was the purpose of one speach or the other?!
I'm not Telika but my argument would be that while we can't know for sure in all instances obviously we should we always use our patience and understanding before making accusations. Too often however terms like "racist" are thrown out casually, which makes them less important. As I think Telika was attempting to convey, we have to consider context and intent before using that word. Good example is the recent Netflix executive resignation due to saying the "n-word" in the context of a human resources meeting. His intent was clearly benign, but simply because the word passed his lips he was forced to resign in scandal. That's asinine, and any intelligent person should fight against that kind of knee-jerk cultural attitude. I said the "n-word" quite often in college, in a scholarly context. Should I lose my job today? I hope you wouldn't think so.
(Which forces me to point out I'm not talking about Gunn, who was doomed by working for Disney of all companies, as I said earlier in the thread).