Tallima: I haven't played Legacy but I've seen it. Legacy appears to have more outside adventure and more variability in character stats, monsters, and terrain. Not had a lot of the same core elements as Curse.
IronArcturus: So it looks like Din's Curse is mostly inside dungeons, and Din's Legacy is mostly outside in the towns?
From what I've seen, but I've only seen very little of legacy. Check out a YouTube let's play and you'll see more.
Dins curse has battles in the town's, but the towns are rather small. The creatures go up there as a gameplay strategy element of forcing you to leave the dungeon at inopportune times to rescue your blacksmith or item shop or whatnot. So you have to weigh the value of your time in the dungeons and your time up above.
If you're interested, tough, 10 minutes of YouTube should let you into what they're like.