HunchBluntley: What the...?
sanscript: LOL! I had to re-heck but It is an error! Damn, didn't catch that one :D
I always take lyrics from any of those random Internet lyric sites with a snowmobile-size grain of salt. A frightening number of them seem to have been come up with by some random idiot listening to a song, uncritically writing down exactly what he
thought he heard, and then posting that without another thought. And a lot of the different lyrics sites just seem to have ripped off the lyrics from each other, so if it's wrong on one site, it may well be wrong
in the exact same way on several other sites, as well.
I once watched an "official" lyrics video made for the Rolling Stones' "Paint It Black", posted to their dedicated Vevo channel on YouTube. But the idiot who made it seems to have either pulled the lyrics from some shitty lyrics site, or done the same "Well, this is what
I heard" thing that results in such bungled versions on those sites; in any case, there were at least a couple places where the video was clearly wrong about what was being sung. So even "official" lyrics sources aren't always trustworthy.