GameRager: I was actually (when replying earlier) mainly speaking about
customers of gog/steam/etc DLing such(if need be)...not for GOG/steam themselves to do such(especially if they have access to more official files). Sorry for any confusion.
(The only part
iirc where I bring up the stores doing it is if there is no other source for the files and the rights holder gives the store[gog/steam/etc] those files with their ok/say so)
In that case disregard what I said :)
GameRager: Just a musing: The funny thing about anybody here possibly low rating for that is that a good chunk of the original users here likely came to GOG from piracy backgrounds(using or making) & some likely still use such.
That might actually even be the case - especially since it's all about DRM-free on GOG and if a game is only available on DRM'd sites I am sure several will try to get rid of DRM the other way.
GameRager: I was more speaking in general and not trying to paint you as having done such, if it seemed that way. If it did, also, I apologize.
No need to apologize. I am aware that your reply wasn#t specifically directed at me - just wanted to make absolutely clear that I did not do it - that's all. :)