Crackou: Sarcasm isn't your strong suit. That happen with people that lack any kind of intelligence, so don't worry, it's perfectly normal in your case.
In this thread, you already get 2 names (Georges Soros and Barbara Lerner Spectre) that you should make research about and you will see something in common about them. It's always the same people (self proclaimed God's Chosen One, no less) who are pushing for open borders but strangely, it's never for their country.
Open borders for thee, but not for me ;)
"They have a history of enmity with!!" Do you really think Europeans are in good terms with the people that are massively getting in? Christians vs Muslims... Should be going pretty well no? I've heard multiculturalism work great, we can see that with the terrorists attacks that happen regularly in the name of the "Religion of Peace" (since you don't get it, yep, it's sarcasm).
The vast majority of europeans don't want open borders but guess what? No one asked our opinion. EU did it without the consent of it's people (EU founded by Kalergi, make research on him too to have some stranges "coincidence"). And dare say that and you are "the most evil racist person in the world" oh and also "antisemitic". Pretty sure that's what you are thinking right now, isn't it Mr.TotallyNotTheHypocrite?
Also, you don't have to wish luck to the developers, they don't need it. The game is financed by the European Union (Surprise!) so they don't have to sell their product ;)
TL;DR: This "game" is propaganda. Good job in not seeing the obvious Mr.Good Guy.
Pity that the only time you communicate well (the above post) is also when you're loading on the ad hominen and embarrassing yourself. You could do better if you didn't try to be sarcastic because you're the one that is not good at it. Here's something for you to research too: Poe's law. Unfortunately there are people who really hold opinions like those you sarcastically claimed and if you didn't give any hint no one on the internet is responsible for assuming you're being honest about it.
The fact that other people mentioned George Soros and Barbara What'shername didn't matter AT ALL, because those were
other people and there was no reason to assume they had anything to do with you. That said, while I know about Soros I didn't know this Barbara woman and I will read about her indeed (I'd rather be informed), so thanks for that. Although you could have dropped the smarter-than-thou asshole-ish attitude in your second post it was at least informative.
The rest of what you said, I mostly agree with. A massive influx of muslims in christian territory is bound to be almost as bad as in Israeli land. I never said wide opening Europe was THE solution, I just said it was hypocritical to make an offer that pushes 100% of the problem to other people because, well, of course it is (when it is serious).
I also didn't know about the dev's financial support and it certainly supports what you said that this game is just propaganda. In that case I feel much less sympathy for them.