MajicMan: Obama is no longer in office.
morolf: You Americans are really quite polarized right now, aren't you?
I wonder if Trump will get impeached...could get really interesting (civil war, maybe?).
Impeached for what? Impeached because people don;t like him? LOL, that might work. Oh wait, no it won't. Also, you can be impeached without leaving or being removed from the office of President - See Bill Clinton.
But back to the topic, I total understand where the co-founder is coming from though. It is why I find myself only playing certain large games, and gravitating more to arcade style games again. Shmups, fighters,
Or certain games like Super Mario, Rogue Legacy, Shantae, Pac-Man Championship Edition, Super Stardust HD, OlliOlli series. where you can come back and pick up anytime because the levels are set and you won't forget what you are doing. RPGs are brutal for that. Where am I suppose to be going? What side quest was I doing? How do I use all these spells/skills again? How does the combat system work? What works in crafting again?