Zrevnur: Also on CDPs site:
https://www.cdprojekt.com/en/media/news/cd-projekt-acquires-the-canadian-digital-scapes-game-development-studio/ I would like to know how much money and where the it comes from?
Releasing CP2077 unfinished got them money for this?
Indeed it did. Just head over to the news on release of patch 1.2. There are loads of posts there praising it, it’s probably a 20/10 score now on metacritic. Unfortunately even with the lies, the failed launch, the removal by a major distributor, the review buying, the inability to create a game anywhere near what they said they would, building something obviously designed for the online only microtransaction market etc. There are still the legions who appear to like this product against all reason or argument. Hence CDPR will just plough on, I suppose it’s nice that EA have competition...