Posted January 01, 2020
low rated
i was thinking to err?.. u know.. write some game guides? if anybody would need them?.. the question is if.. maybe u look at this crap and say what u think? i don't want to just write crap in vain... :'( so if ppl need my crap, i give them all the crap that i can. this is an example of my crap. currently i only have 2 pieces of crap, i can make more. so if ppl say yes, i want to modify it a bit to look better.. :'<
Jade Empire Special Edition
(game guide)
- this document copyright 2019 gunwind, Stefanian Stefan Liviu.
- you have full rights over this document, do what you wish with it.
(1) Introduction
(2) Game Issues
(3) Controls
(4) Tips
(5) Contact
(6) Version information
(1) Introduction
Jade Empire Special Edition is an action-RPG video game developed by Bioware and published by 2K Games in 2007. it features martial arts combined with RPG elements (both stats and fighting styles), a flyer mini-game which keeps repeating at harder levels as u progress in the game's story, a few easy puzzles, some romance, etc. it's similar to fable: the lost chapters in many respects and it naturally supports widescreen resolutions like 1920 x 1080. for those who want to buy this game, u can find it both on steam and gog websites.
(2) Game Issues
- in windows 10 i had a problem with the FPS cap which is limited to only 30. u can best see this by moving the mouse around as it will change the camera's angle and it will display choppy animations. to solve this problem u have to edit jadeempire.ini from the game's folder and change 2 values: D3DAdapter must be set to 1 and ClampFPS should be 0.
- in windows 10 i had another problem: sometimes u'll see that the camera's angle points straight down in the ground instead of looking forward. this happened to me after i loaded a game or when i travelled to another area. thankfully it never happened during fights and it's very easy to fix: all u have to do is either load the game or u can first save if u made some game progress and load the save. it may take a couple of tries until it works.
- also in windows 10 i had one last problem.. it's the FPS stuttering - if this happens to u, u'll see ridiculous frame rate drops. it looks even worse than the FPS cap to be honest.. :-/ u really can't play the game until u fix this. i noticed exactly the same problem happening to me in another game: in neverwinter nights 2. the only fix which i knew for neverwinter nights 2 at that time was to restart the PC; simply exiting and restarting the game alone isn't enough to make it work. BUT there's a much better fix: u can go to this website "", run vcredist_x86.exe and then copy d3d9.dll and put it in ur game's folder. also u should make sure that none of the game's executables nor the shortcut are in compatibility mode to windows xp. IF they are in compatibility mode, then the game will crash on launch as it did for me. if they're not, then the game will work no problem. i believe that this fix is for a problem with directx 9 alone so it may work with other games too, not just jade empire. but i take no credit for the software or for publishing it on that link, they're not mine.
(3) Controls
u can customize all ur controls while ur on foot in the game's menu. however u can't customize the flyer controls (i think..). here's the default controls for the plane:
W - forward
S - backward
A - left
D - right
LMB - fire guns
RMB - activate upgrade
next / previous target - cycle upgrades
(4) Tips
- u should get the configurations' techniques as soon as u have the texts and the necessary items. u do this by talking to Kang the Mad after he joins u as a henchman and the techniques will give u bonus stats for body / health, for spirit / chi or mind / focus. u obtain the techniques by doing little "puzzles" on a special map which is accessible through Kang's flyer. basically all u have to do is understand what those texts mean.. i don't want to spoil ur fun so i'll leave the little details to u. but u should know that both the texts and the items can be found in the "Plot Items" menu from ur journal and u can't sell them, can't lose them etc. also there are 6 normal configurations and once u finish them all, u can choose to fly with Kang again and get the last config. in order to get all 6 configs, u'll need 2 cow bezoars, 2 vials of sulfurous water and 2 bars of nickeled iron. if u want to get the last config u'll have to fight a very nasty boss.. don't be ashamed if u can't do it, it's VERY hard.. my advice is to get only 2 upgrades for the flyer in that mission: Radiant Aura and Shrieking Fury. u should have aura active all the time because it's a damage shield and with Shrieking Fury u'll hit the last ball of lightning which spins and then sits right behind the central ball - it's very hard to hit with guns because it's BEHIND so that's why u need Shrieking Fury; they're basically homing missiles which u can fire from the left or right of the moving ball.. u shouldn't use the missiles for anything else because it consumes blue energy from ur flyer.
- when u destroy enemies with the flyer, u always get blue energy which u can use to power ur upgrades like radiant aura, shrieking fury, etc.
- simply holding LMB pressed while in the flyer will only fire 1 shot; u have to press quickly to achieve maximum rate of fire.
- one thing that ur never told in the game is how to perform area attacks. u do this by pressing LMB and RMB in the same time. it's good if ur surrounded or if u want to initiate some harmonic combos, but it does no damage at all.
- once u do a level-up, ur health, chi and focus will recharge to full.
- sometimes when u choose Charm options in a conversation, u'll get Open Palm points. if u choose Intimidate u may get Closed Fist points. and Intuition stands for neutral. open palm means a good character and closed fist is evil.
- this game favors the extremes; there are fighting styles which u may obtain only if ur evil or good. martial styles like Viper (evil) or Iron Palm (good). so u should choose one side and not simply play in the middle.
- to make harmonic combos u should first slow down ur chosen enemy if he's human or ghost. this won't work with demons, golems or very powerful foes because they're immune to support styles. u slow down enemies by hitting them at least once with the normal attacks from Heavenly Wave, a support style. no matter how many times u hit them, the effect won't stack: it only counts as a single hit. after u get the text "Slowed" above ur enemy's head, hit them with a power attack from a support or magic style. different support or magic styles will give different types of power-ups; some are random like those from Stone Immortal while some are always the same type. for example Heavenly Wave will always initiate a harmonic combo with a health power-up (red). Ice Shard is a magic style which gives a chi power-up (blue). and Storm Dragon gives a focus power-up (yellow). basically what u do is make these harmonic combos which inflict a lot of damage and once the enemy's dead, u also get power-ups to recharge ur health, chi and focus. so after u slow down the enemy and hit them with a power attack from a support or magic style, u must quickly hit them with a power attack from a martial style which will inflict heavy damage and kill the enemy if he's weak or low health and it will also give u the desired power-up. all melee characters start out with 1 martial style and 1 support. martial style examples are white demon, iron palm, viper, thousand cuts or leaping tiger. i tested this with and without chi when doing the final power attacks from martial styles and it works in each case.
- once u reach Heaven, u'll get a new henchman in ur team. u can temporarily summon him from the henchmen screen and he'll act only as a merchant. u can buy and sell things with his help but the value of items u sell to him is only half of what u'd get from normal merchants. anyway u should check his inventory often because sometimes he's selling important fighting styles or techniques to improve ur stats.
(5) Contact
u can reach me at if u have questions.. :-/ (remove ANTI and SPAM)
(6) Version information
game guide version 1.0 released on 13th october 2019.
Jade Empire Special Edition
(game guide)
- this document copyright 2019 gunwind, Stefanian Stefan Liviu.
- you have full rights over this document, do what you wish with it.
(1) Introduction
(2) Game Issues
(3) Controls
(4) Tips
(5) Contact
(6) Version information
(1) Introduction
Jade Empire Special Edition is an action-RPG video game developed by Bioware and published by 2K Games in 2007. it features martial arts combined with RPG elements (both stats and fighting styles), a flyer mini-game which keeps repeating at harder levels as u progress in the game's story, a few easy puzzles, some romance, etc. it's similar to fable: the lost chapters in many respects and it naturally supports widescreen resolutions like 1920 x 1080. for those who want to buy this game, u can find it both on steam and gog websites.
(2) Game Issues
- in windows 10 i had a problem with the FPS cap which is limited to only 30. u can best see this by moving the mouse around as it will change the camera's angle and it will display choppy animations. to solve this problem u have to edit jadeempire.ini from the game's folder and change 2 values: D3DAdapter must be set to 1 and ClampFPS should be 0.
- in windows 10 i had another problem: sometimes u'll see that the camera's angle points straight down in the ground instead of looking forward. this happened to me after i loaded a game or when i travelled to another area. thankfully it never happened during fights and it's very easy to fix: all u have to do is either load the game or u can first save if u made some game progress and load the save. it may take a couple of tries until it works.
- also in windows 10 i had one last problem.. it's the FPS stuttering - if this happens to u, u'll see ridiculous frame rate drops. it looks even worse than the FPS cap to be honest.. :-/ u really can't play the game until u fix this. i noticed exactly the same problem happening to me in another game: in neverwinter nights 2. the only fix which i knew for neverwinter nights 2 at that time was to restart the PC; simply exiting and restarting the game alone isn't enough to make it work. BUT there's a much better fix: u can go to this website "", run vcredist_x86.exe and then copy d3d9.dll and put it in ur game's folder. also u should make sure that none of the game's executables nor the shortcut are in compatibility mode to windows xp. IF they are in compatibility mode, then the game will crash on launch as it did for me. if they're not, then the game will work no problem. i believe that this fix is for a problem with directx 9 alone so it may work with other games too, not just jade empire. but i take no credit for the software or for publishing it on that link, they're not mine.
(3) Controls
u can customize all ur controls while ur on foot in the game's menu. however u can't customize the flyer controls (i think..). here's the default controls for the plane:
W - forward
S - backward
A - left
D - right
LMB - fire guns
RMB - activate upgrade
next / previous target - cycle upgrades
(4) Tips
- u should get the configurations' techniques as soon as u have the texts and the necessary items. u do this by talking to Kang the Mad after he joins u as a henchman and the techniques will give u bonus stats for body / health, for spirit / chi or mind / focus. u obtain the techniques by doing little "puzzles" on a special map which is accessible through Kang's flyer. basically all u have to do is understand what those texts mean.. i don't want to spoil ur fun so i'll leave the little details to u. but u should know that both the texts and the items can be found in the "Plot Items" menu from ur journal and u can't sell them, can't lose them etc. also there are 6 normal configurations and once u finish them all, u can choose to fly with Kang again and get the last config. in order to get all 6 configs, u'll need 2 cow bezoars, 2 vials of sulfurous water and 2 bars of nickeled iron. if u want to get the last config u'll have to fight a very nasty boss.. don't be ashamed if u can't do it, it's VERY hard.. my advice is to get only 2 upgrades for the flyer in that mission: Radiant Aura and Shrieking Fury. u should have aura active all the time because it's a damage shield and with Shrieking Fury u'll hit the last ball of lightning which spins and then sits right behind the central ball - it's very hard to hit with guns because it's BEHIND so that's why u need Shrieking Fury; they're basically homing missiles which u can fire from the left or right of the moving ball.. u shouldn't use the missiles for anything else because it consumes blue energy from ur flyer.
- when u destroy enemies with the flyer, u always get blue energy which u can use to power ur upgrades like radiant aura, shrieking fury, etc.
- simply holding LMB pressed while in the flyer will only fire 1 shot; u have to press quickly to achieve maximum rate of fire.
- one thing that ur never told in the game is how to perform area attacks. u do this by pressing LMB and RMB in the same time. it's good if ur surrounded or if u want to initiate some harmonic combos, but it does no damage at all.
- once u do a level-up, ur health, chi and focus will recharge to full.
- sometimes when u choose Charm options in a conversation, u'll get Open Palm points. if u choose Intimidate u may get Closed Fist points. and Intuition stands for neutral. open palm means a good character and closed fist is evil.
- this game favors the extremes; there are fighting styles which u may obtain only if ur evil or good. martial styles like Viper (evil) or Iron Palm (good). so u should choose one side and not simply play in the middle.
- to make harmonic combos u should first slow down ur chosen enemy if he's human or ghost. this won't work with demons, golems or very powerful foes because they're immune to support styles. u slow down enemies by hitting them at least once with the normal attacks from Heavenly Wave, a support style. no matter how many times u hit them, the effect won't stack: it only counts as a single hit. after u get the text "Slowed" above ur enemy's head, hit them with a power attack from a support or magic style. different support or magic styles will give different types of power-ups; some are random like those from Stone Immortal while some are always the same type. for example Heavenly Wave will always initiate a harmonic combo with a health power-up (red). Ice Shard is a magic style which gives a chi power-up (blue). and Storm Dragon gives a focus power-up (yellow). basically what u do is make these harmonic combos which inflict a lot of damage and once the enemy's dead, u also get power-ups to recharge ur health, chi and focus. so after u slow down the enemy and hit them with a power attack from a support or magic style, u must quickly hit them with a power attack from a martial style which will inflict heavy damage and kill the enemy if he's weak or low health and it will also give u the desired power-up. all melee characters start out with 1 martial style and 1 support. martial style examples are white demon, iron palm, viper, thousand cuts or leaping tiger. i tested this with and without chi when doing the final power attacks from martial styles and it works in each case.
- once u reach Heaven, u'll get a new henchman in ur team. u can temporarily summon him from the henchmen screen and he'll act only as a merchant. u can buy and sell things with his help but the value of items u sell to him is only half of what u'd get from normal merchants. anyway u should check his inventory often because sometimes he's selling important fighting styles or techniques to improve ur stats.
(5) Contact
u can reach me at if u have questions.. :-/ (remove ANTI and SPAM)
(6) Version information
game guide version 1.0 released on 13th october 2019.
This question / problem has been solved by StingingVelvet![image](/www/forum_carbon/-img/link_arow.gif)