Breja: Brings to mind the bizzare way Mysteries of the Sith handled skill points, by awarding them for finding secrets in levels (and only that). They still work like optional collectables, you don't have to find them all, technically you don't have to find any I guess, and yet they're the only way to improve your character. It's such a weird and meta game concept, to tie character progression to a vestige of old FPS level design entirely abstract to any story or level objectives or core gameplay.
Like morolf wrote, it was also the case in JK. and also you do get skillpoints for normally completing levels, and a bonus skillpoint each time you find all secrets in a level. On normal difficulty that normal skill progression is mostly enough, on hard you really want all the skillpoints you can get.
What's worse is that the game(s) basically requires you to spot the secrets "at once" because the levels are filled with points of no return. So simply playing to the end and then go hunting for secrets (like in Doom or Quake) is not an option. Also means you never know if you've already walked past a secret and have no way to go back. That's shitty game design, even if I like those games otherwise.