ArthurWalden: I realize this game is not on GOG, but some advice would be nice anyway.
I really liked the look of the builds over on maxroll, as they spell everything out very plainly. The only thing is that the leveling guides (and maybe all the build guides there) look like they were designed for speedrunners. That is not how I play D2 (or any other game). I am a completionist who believes a game needs to be savored, whatever the context is for "savored" for a particular game. In Diablo 2's case that means thoroughly exploring each area to complete the map, as well as clearing out each area once, as well as seeing/hearing all the game's dialogue possible, preferably on each difficulty.
What I would like to know is: in anyone's opinion, can the builds on maxroll work for a longplayer like me?
Yes, in general, the builds will work for a longplayer. Just remember you can customize them to your heart's content, and if you want a challenge, build it for the final build from the beginning.
Not 100% on all the builds of maxroll, but on icy veins, they always come with a "leveling build" and an "endgame build". I guess you do get 3 free respecs, but I try to save those for emergencies and accidental brain farts.
Most of those builds are doable with less than "top tier" drops or runewords. Keep that in mind. I recommend trying summoner necro at least once. I just used my final free respec going from bone spear to summon, just got him to level 84 yesterday. He doesn't have top tier gear at all, outside of maybe the hoto runeword (look that up).
My top advice is don't worry about meta builds so much at this point. Full clears are great, worthy of your time, and in fact that's where you get the best drops. They're also called "Walking" the difficulty like "Walking hell" or "Walking nightmare" etc.
Good luck. Enjoy it, savor it, send me a friend request if you want some more free advice. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games, these forums are not one of my favorite places these days.
If I see the friend invite I'll accept and we can DM.
ArthurWalden: Thanks. I'll try one of those builds soon.
One thing more:
The leveling builds on maxroll all rely on farming the Countess repeatedly for runes in Act I on Normal. However, their description of how to best farm the Countess on another page makes the painfully obvious point that, if you're really going to do this, you need some form of teleportation or it turn into an endlessly tedious slog as you have to fight your way from the waypoint to the Countess over and over (and I'm pretty sure you only get one rune each time you kill her). How does an Act I Normal character get teleportation? I can't even recall if the Sorceress can likely access it at that time.
Don't worry about enigma. The chances of you ever getting the runes you need without spending IRL money is very low.
Since D2:R came out, I've found exactly
one Ber and
zero Jahs, and you need both for Enigma.
It's easier to wrap your head around farming or trading for run speed small charms vs farming for ber and jah. Just my humble opinion.
Seriously, don't try to get an enigma. Unless you have a diablo sugar daddy that doesn't care, you'll probably never get one without grinding hundreds or thousands of hours.