5P34R: neosapian
-Right on the mark
Gog has too much blind following. Fans that'll have you believe they can do little/no wrong. It's resulted in them doubling down on their questionable decisions, as long as the money keeps flowing right.
the core of wolves taking over is sheep who delude themselves in thinking "what can I do" woo as me.
This boycott highlights the disconnect Gog has with much of their older customers (you know, the ones that helped build them up).
I've been told that corpos follow the money and not whatever original belief they used to have or believe they still have.
But this house of cards was built on those original ideals/stance/belief (pure drm-free to name one). When they take/disrupt/dilute these foundations, then the trust between them and their original customers gets shaky.
and we get sharky and the sheep attack us instead of the wolves!
Devotion should've been here since end of 2020. They backtracked, they offered a paultry excuse of 'many gamers' not wanting it. Many could've been any amount, they chose the possibility of earning more from the Chinese market (egging on this kind of censorship globally). This is done against the wishes and trust of their original fanbase, their customers who by this point have put up with alot of their poor decisions already.
Hollywood movies too
a people sellout!
As usual, not everyone would care enough as long as they get to play and Gog can continue being just another storefront (we have steam, epic, origin and itch already to name a few).
But we're not just part of their crowd, we're here for some slim chance this all turns around...
very slim chance but that is how most things work these days.