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guppy44: Do you still have Chronicles of Riddick? :)
budejovice: Sent!
A BIG thank you! :D
animalmother2105: HAVE - System Shock 2

WANT - nothing, I have already all three.

Answer to this post if you want it. I like PeterAlf's approach - if your join date is 2015 I will check your activity on the forum.

I will probably reach Riddick by the end so do not forget to check this post later. :)
Can I have System Shock 2, please?
DaiKaiser93: HAVE - System Shock 2
Can I have System Shock please? :) I heard it's great. Thanks!
high rated
Green_Hilltop: Can I have System Shock please? :) I heard it's great. Thanks!
It is. Check your chat. :)
foxworks: Check chat!
Thank you, you make my day !
*Throws +1 in the air !*
Green_Hilltop: Can I have System Shock please? :) I heard it's great. Thanks!
IAmSinistar: It is. Check your chat. :)
Oh awesome, thanks! :)
RECEIVED - Chronicles of Riddick

Thank you boo007 !
Post edited November 04, 2015 by pizzahut
HAVE - System Shock 2

WANT - Chronicles of Riddick
GIVEN - Banished (Expired 16 December)

Looks like everyone is giving free gift from the sale so I would like to break the trend and ask for;

WANT - Age of Wonders 3 - Golden Realms
WANT - Age of Wonders 3 - Eternal Lords

hehe ;P
Post edited November 04, 2015 by hafizadam
WANT - Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

HAVE - Nothing yet. I don't own any of those 3 games and I didn't buy any games yet. When I buy some games from this big sale, it will be my pleasure to participate on this thread. :)
Roxolani: WANT - Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

HAVE - Nothing yet. I don't own any of those 3 games and I didn't buy any games yet. When I buy some games from this big sale, it will be my pleasure to participate on this thread. :)
I already gave mine (I think), but I still have SS2. Do you want it?
high rated
GIVEN - System Shock 2
GIVEN - Chronicles of Riddick

WANT- Nothing, I just want to get rid of these damn free game codes gog keeps giving away for games I already have. :P
Post edited November 04, 2015 by haydenaurion
haydenaurion: HAVE - System Shock 2
HAVE- Chronicles of Riddick

WANT- Nothing, I just want to get rid of these damn free game codes gog keeps giving away for games I already have. :P
I'd really like Riddick if you wouldn't mind.
hafizadam: HAVE - Banished (Expired 16 December)

Looks like everyone is giving free gift from the sale so I would like to break the trend and ask for;

WANT - Age of Wonders 3 - Golden Realms
WANT - Age of Wonders 3 - Eternal Lords

hehe ;P
I'm interested in Banished if no one asked for it yet. :)
haydenaurion: HAVE - System Shock 2
HAVE- Chronicles of Riddick

WANT- Nothing, I just want to get rid of these damn free game codes gog keeps giving away for games I already have. :P
Zeshil: I'd really like Riddick if you wouldn't mind.
Check PM. :)

haydenaurion: HAVE - System Shock 2
HAVE- Chronicles of Riddick

WANT- Nothing, I just want to get rid of these damn free game codes gog keeps giving away for games I already have. :P
Zeshil: I'd really like Riddick if you wouldn't mind.
Did the code work?
Post edited November 04, 2015 by haydenaurion