almahin: Anyone else seeing low res textures ? My textures are set to high. When I change from low to high the textures get fixed for 2 minutes but then get blurry again. Every texture is blurry from charecters to other stuff.
Maybe the below will help? Sorry I can't help other than this and suggesting you google "batman arkham knight low resolution textures" and check the Steam forum and Reddit.
steamcommunity (dot) com/app/209000/discussions/0/613936673599583172/
"1.Go to your game Directory (wherever you installed the GOG version, presumably C:\GOG Games or in Galaxy?)
2.Find BmEngine.ini and Click to it
3.Search for "DetailMode=" and change it to "DetailMode=2" no quote
4.Chance MaxShadowResolution=XXXX to MaxShadowResolution=1120 if you want
5.Enjoy and hope it help"