LadySagegami: I don't have a mouse, just the built in trackpad of my MacBook.
TheBigCore: In the Mouse Sensitivity link, there's a sub-header that says
Changing the Double-Clicking Speed which also mentions track pads....
It's not a double-clicking issue. I'm saying I can click on a button 10 times and the on screen button click animation and sound will execute but the button won't do anything 9 times out of 10. So for example let's say I want to click the game options menu button. Normally you click it once and you go to game options. But when I try, I have to sometimes click it twice or eight times, or twelve times, or four times, or some random number like that before it will take me to the menu. This issue occurs across everything in the game system and in game play. For example if I want to choose a longsword instead of a dagger, same issue with the weapon option button. If I want to select an enemy to target, same issue with clicking on the enemy on screen. the issue is everywhere.