Posted October 20, 2015

If needed virtual girls at your beck and call is preferable to real women.
Wait, I think there is quite a number of guys just did that but label negatively..............
Wonder why some people pressure men to have a "real" relationship when "real" relationship is much inferior?

Virtual girls? Well I guess with games such as HoniePop available people have a degree of that - I know there are "harder" games on the market, but I have never played any of them.
I guess with the way social and environmental changes have risen about us it is not impossible, nor improbable that it could happen that people take virtual or at least robotic partners.
In Japan the social bonds are breaking as well as here in the West. Hell my current and past partners both wanted to chase their careers, shunning time with family for time at work. Then my current partner decided to buy herself pets and treats them a little like children, because and I quote "They are easy to keep" unlike a child. Which would interrupt her career and rise to the top.
The previous girlfriend has 2 children, my understanding is with different fathers, and quit that oh so wonderful job she fought so hard to climb the ladder in.
So social and natural relationship break down. After all it cannot just be me.
Looking at my friends with children. All bar one in broken / half functional relationships or with stepchildren.
Personally I cannot see a world without "love". Women need to feel wanted and loved, but the landscape may change quite drastically over the coming years.
So whilst yes, there is just a little bit of an imbalance in love, it is just how it works, and it has worked well for the entire of human history. No matter how much society changes, nor what the mainstream tells us we _now_ really want. Basic human desire will eventually win out. Sex is fun, our brains enjoy the dopamine cocktail. Our brains are still programmed to want to reproduce and so will attempt it - preservation of the genetics.
For me sex with a robot, just like your own hand could never be as good as half-assed drunk sex with another person. Yet I might be willing to give it a go.... I would be willing.
I believe just like drugs / smoke / alcohol, if I never experience it, I won't be governed by it. If I never have sex nor masturbate, I can be free of it. Yes, it is basic human desire, but we humans are different than animals because we can control our desire for something better. Just work out or play games if I have the urge, when tired my body trouble me no more.
Sex, like drugs may give a lot of fun, but like drugs, there are too much negative side effect to be worth it (I think). Responsibility, Time, Money, Emotional investment, Society bearings, Freedom, Law.
With so much time required for work, and so little time for myself. Sex and family is a luxury that can be skipped.
While it is people freedom to have sex without the intention of starting a family, prevention is not absolute and one day they may get a surprise.