Tactikast: Allow me to fix a lot of disinformation. Still that I'm not sure if you are a Dev or not
1) "I see many …." This is Completely True. But let's take this example:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/uncasualgames/ancient-cities?ref=discovery_category_newest&term=strategy%20pc It got a success so I consider it's good. There is nothing complicate in the presentation only Pictures and Video. Such Kickstarter Presentation is 100€ of Work (And you could even do it Yourself) so really not a Problem to fix. But Still I completely agree on this point.
Hello again, Tacktikast. I would suggest that you make better use of the
quote tag next. It takes a bit more work than the other tags but it makes a much better job of setting the context of what you are replying to.
Thank you for taking the time to clarifying a few things you belive I got wrong. I understand I may have been more clear here and there, but it was late and I still wanted to try and help somehow. We all have our constrains.
So, regarding this first point, what I said was
"I see many blurry images with text. That text is hard to read". And it was hard to read because of the background images and multiple colours. That was my main criticism. You don't have to make the page flashy, pay for professional video, that is not what I meant. I intended con convey
it was difficult to read the text in that condition. I also mentioned that I did not see any in-game images, but I assumed you would add some at some point.
Tactikast: 2) "You asked for €20"
Which is less than the average and you can even get it for 10€ (in specific circumstance). So I consider you highlighted a Great Point. Thank You for this. I agree this is very subjective. Have I ever payed $20 or more for a videogame? I have. And it was
never a good deal for me. Perhaps I was just unlucky.
And 20€ to me means 40€ or 50€ to you. As you understand, we don't really have the same wage parity. I understand you wish to be compensated for your work, but I can only say how
I see things, and it is intimately related with the point below.
As for the 10€ option, well, with those 10€ I
could win one million euros! I did not understand what the odds are for that option, so I decided not to give it much consideration.
Tactikast: 3) "will not depend just on me." This is
My understanding was that I needed to
win matches in order to unlock the other factions. If you can climb the ranks by
losing matches, I imagine that would just be grinding and not fun at all.
But what I wanted to say is that, if I am strong enough to win against opponent A, but not good enough to win against opponent B, then that climb to unlock content depends
also on the pairing of the players, and either player A or me will see the short end of the stick.
This is in stark contrast with a single-player game, for example, where the external factor never plays a role.
Tactikast: 4) "… I don't think " Here I think that only a Dev would Say this. First you contradict your Point 1. You say it's amateurish because it doesn't look Great but now complain about the opposite. Then It just one of the Basis of True Tactic, to be realistic. And most of Big Game are focused on it. Please Tell me how much Fan Total War Have ?
Again, what I criticised as amateurish was, more concretely, the images with crayon-like text and the colourful text that was hard to read. I am not ashamed to admit that, in some areas, my talent never developed beyond may age of 8 or 10. And that is OK because we don't have to be good at everything. Maybe you got distracted or were too focused on what you were writing that you did not take adequate attention to what it looked to a casual reader. It is OK, we are always learning things and I know I made that mistake. (You obviously did not understand everything I wrote on my previous post, so I hope this one reads better).
So, I imagine that the "museum level units accuracy" may refer to the unit design, since you lumped it with a graphical critique. But about accuracy, did you ever see a North-American show called
"Deadliest Warrior"? It had a little bit of fine information about different well-known warriors but the simulation they did was
trash! You can't pit, say, an Apache indian vs. a Gladiator because each one specialized in a different environment! I totally expect you to do a better job of simulating this.
Actually, one of the most expensive games I purchased
was a Total War game.The first one, actually. Was it accurate? Yes, I think it was a bit accurate for its time. They certainly did their homework. How much fun was it? Quite fun. Though I read you could win the game just assassinating all your opponents with ninja attacks.
However, I had more fun playing StarCraft.
Tactikast: 5) "I have no idea what this means. It sounds too esoteric to me." Again this seems more the note of professional
Look, it seems to be you went overboard with the sarcasm in your post. Did you came to a
computer game store forums looking for game developer's opinions? You won't find many in here. What you got was the feedback from multiple people who took their time to help you, out of good will. It was my hope that you would take them as a sobering opinion, but see what others tell you elsewhere.
If you wanted my
professional opinion, then I would be charging you for it.
However, sadly, what transpires to me is that you were not looking for feedback or opinions, you were looking for compliments, reassurance and pats on the back. Sadly, life is not made of stories of successes, though those are the ones that catch you attention the most. And the most you can learn from others, the less you have to learn from your own mistakes -- not that there is any shame in making mistakes, it shows you tried.
I do not wish to end this post on a sad tone, so I'll conclude by wishing you luck with your development; we all wish for more good games in the world. Please let us know when your Kickstarter live so that we can have a better idea of your project.