DetouR6734: Tomb Raider wasn't bad, except for all the shit side quests, shit achievements and Lara vs Armies of undead who had their brains removed on their initial death.
rtcvb32: The original tomb raider was a beloved series. Course those ran on the PS1.
The remake/reboot had the unstoppable shaky cam (
which eventually got me so motion sick i had to quit when retrying it a few months ago).
The original was great, the 2013 one was pretty good, but the side quests were purely a time waste for achievements, and i disliked the Lara vs 50+ undead Samurai at that bridge, same with Rise of the Tomb Raider, mowing through those undead knights... it's like.. purely action orientated with no oh shit moment whatsoever.
Then in Rise you had the cans and bottles like the undead had ventured off to the local Kwik-E-Mart and decided to litter the place...
Snall gripes, but it's what i hate in the current generation of gaming, as all it is, is a fookin copy & paste of the same idea, "hey lets not put something interesting in the game, lets just copy that shit idea because everyone seemed to love wasting hours of a day doing pointless shit and calling it "fun""