RoseLegion: Having played both I have to say I disagree with this assessement.
I enjoyed Witcher 1 & 3 much more than 2. 2 felt shallow, watterted down UI/game play, character development that didn't start to shine until the very end of the game when you didn't really get a chance to play with it, and a story that felt like it was a slice of what the other games offer rather than a whole narrative arc.
2 did offer the path choice and that was lovely, but it didn't really carry over anything meaningful from 1 despite how it was presented.
As to the contrast with Cyberpunk, well Cyb has 8 ending states (so far, looks like there are hooks for more that could be added, but that may not happen) of those 8 ending states only 3 are gaurenteed to be open to the player the rest can be missed entirely based on player choice. Granted some are easier to miss than others, and most aren't what I'd call extremely hidden, but there really are no grounds to say player choice doesn't matter in Cyb.
Further, while I admit story is a matter of taste and thus subjective, I'd easily put Cyberpunk 2077 & The Witcher 3 above The Witcher 2 with regards to story. Maybe I baised from reading The Witcher novesl, maybe I'm biased from reading cyberpunk stories for decades, but honestly it just seems like there's a lot more substance
and a lot more depth in Cyb compared not only to TW2 but to most AAA "story driven" games of the last several years (take that last with a grain of salt, I don't claim to have played everything, a lot comes out :P ).
In short, TW2 < TW1 < Cyberpunk (current state) < TW3 (finished with all DLC).
I agree entirely with your assessment of Witcher 2. To me Witcher 2 was also a shallow game on rails, which confided you to tunnel type exploration and was linear start to finish (yes, with the famous branching choice that allowed a portion of the game to differ - not really rocket science by modern standards). It was a weaker game for me of the three.
I would rate CP2077 below W1 in my personal order - amount of poor delivery is just too much to be offset by decent story. I don't care about number of endings being 8 as the trigger for the endings is way too artificial (conversation on the roof). Yes, the last part of the game after that choice is reasonably long and varied - but there are other games with better / longer epilogues. Game was too short for me story wise whereas Witcher 3 felt like an accomplishment. I have no desire to replay CP2077 - and I have replayed W3 at least 3 times end to end. And no, it's not the setting that I dislike - I adored Fallout series (1 and 2) to bits as an example. Loved Altered Carbon novel and Netflix series.
From my side I honestly wish that CDPR would actually move on from CP2077 to another project because this baby is beyond fixing (my view - you don't have to agree).