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While downloading the patch 1.1 using GOG Galaxy 2, it all of a sudden stopped and complained that my internet was offline. While I was connected to the internet, my connection was stabile and I was just watching some random Youtube video. Retry did nothing. So I clicked exit and it took a really long time to close Galaxy. When I started it again, the download shows Failed, then Starting installation, then Failed, then Starting Installation...

Are the GOG servers down and my client just thinks it's my end?

Sorry, it switches between Failed and "Installation started", not "Starting installation". And I am writing this on the same computer, so yes, I do have a working internet connection on this computer.
Post edited January 23, 2021 by frogthroat
Managed to download the patch from the website. Just in time. I thought I download all the other offline install files, just in case this kind of thing happens again and I need to reinstall. Can't download anything from the website at the moment.

I guess so many people are downloading the 1.1 patch that their servers are having a bad time.

On another note, close Galaxy if you run the manual patch updater. I guess Galaxy was locking some files and the updater could not do its thing. Closing Galaxy solved it.
I have the same problem. I thought I had too little space on the disc, but I have around 45 GB free.
Maybe thats the problem ?

Where did you download the Patch 1.1 seperatly ?
Post edited January 27, 2021 by Cyberpunk2030
Cyberpunk2030: Where did you download the Patch 1.1 seperatly ?
On the top click Cyberpunk2030 > Games.
Navigate to Cyberpunk 2077 and click it -> details open
Then just download it from "Download offline backup game installers".

If you download just the patch, download both files that are the patch 1.06 to 1.1. One is an .exe file. Place them in the same folder. Close GOG Galaxy 2. Double click the .exe and follow on-screen instructions.
Post edited January 28, 2021 by frogthroat
Is the patch Decompressing into system memory then dumping to the HDD or is it a streaming through ?.

I only have 32gb but Wondering if others with 16gb or 8gb are being limited somehow ?
Indeed, the patch needs 60 GB of free space. Damnit :) I think though the precised the error message now.
Cyberpunk2030: Where did you download the Patch 1.1 seperatly ?
frogthroat: On the top click Cyberpunk2030 > Games.
Navigate to Cyberpunk 2077 and click it -> details open
Then just download it from "Download offline backup game installers".

If you download just the patch, download both files that are the patch 1.06 to 1.1. One is an .exe file. Place them in the same folder. Close GOG Galaxy 2. Double click the .exe and follow on-screen instructions.
All downloads correctly get. Cannot instlall last patch 1.1. Launch patch exe and, after few minutes says "error installing" and it advises me to read the log.txt. (attached file)
Solutions to fix it?
Thank you.
patch_log.jpg (358 Kb)
wichat: All downloads correctly get. Cannot instlall last patch 1.1. Launch patch exe and, after few minutes says "error installing" and it advises me to read the log.txt. (attached file)
Solutions to fix it?
Thank you.
C:\Program Files (x86) is one of the system folders. You might need admin rights.

Did you try this: right-click the .exe and choose "Run as Administrator"?
wichat: after few minutes says "error installing" and it advises me to read the log.txt. (attached file)
Solutions to fix it?
Thank you.
sounds like you are running out of free space. Insure you got 60gb or more spare space on the C drive because GOG installers use them for temp files even if the game is installed to a different drive (uses system variables for TEMP)
wichat: All downloads correctly get. Cannot instlall last patch 1.1. Launch patch exe and, after few minutes says "error installing" and it advises me to read the log.txt. (attached file)
Solutions to fix it?
Thank you.
frogthroat: C:\Program Files (x86) is one of the system folders. You might need admin rights.

Did you try this: right-click the .exe and choose "Run as Administrator"?
Solved. Thank you.
wichat: after few minutes says "error installing" and it advises me to read the log.txt. (attached file)
Solutions to fix it?
Thank you.
anzial: sounds like you are running out of free space. Insure you got 60gb or more spare space on the C drive because GOG installers use them for temp files even if the game is installed to a different drive (uses system variables for TEMP)
Well, I guess it doesn't need more than 643 GB...
Post edited February 09, 2021 by wichat
wichat: Well, I guess it doesn't need more than 643 GB...
Probably not :) Just a common issue with GOG installer when they run out of space on the system drive :)