Arachnarok_Rider: I'm sure they'd want to sell as much as possible, but if they're delaying the game to match the release of PS5 then wouldn't it make more sense if their PS5-optimized version was ready from the beginning rather than merely being made available some time after release?
satyrsangre: it probably has more to do with baseline compatibility than the "full PS5 optimised" version. Not only is CP77 being made for current gen consoles and PC specs, but it also has to
work on the XSX, PS5, Nvidia Ampere, Nvidia GeForce Now, 4th Gen AMD, and Stadia--all essentially debuting this Fall (Stadia barely being 6 months old by the Fall, right?). And let's not forget the almost infinite combinations of PC parts which pose wild inter-compatibility challenges. All while being developed and QA'd remotely because there's a plague outside being handled with varying degrees of severity.
I know everyone's on edge one considers all these tech compatibility issues might be...a lot? And they really do just need a little more time to make sure their product just
works on ALL these machines?
...or that maybe the developers and QA testers are human people who also think this delay sucks and want this title to be finished with the utmost quality too?
Oh, I agree that there are issues to handle, but I suspect they've got the worst compatibility details under control. I don't have any experience in that particular aspect of development, but I suspect that if they're only beginning to deal with those kinds of issues now then the whole project is in really bad shape.
But the reason for my comment was the current narrative that CDPR are delaying despite having a release-worthy game because they think they can sell more by releasing closer to the launch of PS5. And I don't really get the reasoning behind that narrative, particularly not if CDPR don't have a PS5 optimized version ready at the launch date of PS5.
Currently it would appear that they have a PS5-compatible PS4 game ready for release approximately when the PS5 is released. And I just don't see how that's going to be a bigger draw in November than it would have been in September. Who will buy a PS5 just to play a PS4 game? And if you're just randomly buying a brand new PS5 at launch then why would you be more inclined to also pick up that brand new sci-fi RPG game that released two days ago than if said RPG had released two months ago and which is still all the rage?
Frankly, it does not sound convincing to me, but to each their own.