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Just wondering what the current state of the game is. I am interested in buying & playing, but I'm waiting for CD Projekt to patch it because I want a polished & premium game experience.

Are the problems people are complaining about fixed yet?
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high rated
I would wait at least until 4th quarter 2021, maybe 2022. They haven't even started patching any of the serious problems this game has and by then you will also know what dlc may be expected.

This game looks good for the first few hours. Then you'll start noticing things like non existent AI, not working game mechanics and stuff, physics that make even Bethesda games look good. Won't go into details regarding the story to avoid spoilers.

When i noticed all this i had spent around 10 hours in the game (restartet several times because i didn't like my avatar and there is no way to change how you look later) so i didn't ask for a refund. But generally speaking this is an early access ubisoft game with no roleplay whatsoever, no meaningful choices and missing at least one year of development.
Post edited February 12, 2021 by Hermanthemad
low rated
temps: Just wondering what the current state of the game is. I am interested in buying & playing, but I'm waiting for CD Projekt to patch it because I want a polished & premium game experience.

Are the problems people are complaining about fixed yet?
Which problems are you asking about specifically?

Also, a good amount of the people "complaining" would be complaining no matter what.
XYCat: Which problems are you asking about specifically?

Also, a good amount of the people "complaining" would be complaining no matter what.

Game can be played from beginning to end with no problems. Glitches and bugs are typical in games of this scope (even after extensive patching).

As for the AI: NPCs are there to give the illusion of a city. They serve no other purpose. Same as Divinity: Original Sin, Morrowind, and other RPGs. I don't understand what the complaint with this one is (by other people, not OP). Are they supposed to act like in GTA? To what purpose?

Enemy AI is typical. It's not Unreal Tournament 2004, but it does the job well (especially in stealth mode).

I've spent 50 hours playing, experienced 2 endings, and have been playing it as an RPG. I've explored the city a great deal (mainly on foot). If I need to go somewhere far away I use the fast travel option and rarely a vehicle.

If bugs are a deal-breaker for you, I've been experiencing up to 1 bug per 3-hour play session. Never the same, and never something that makes me want to experience the game less. In fact, I can only remember 2 bugs right now, and both of them is because I saw them on YouTube before experiencing them myself. Otherwise, they're forgettable. Oh, and in 50 hours, it crashed only once.

There're people saying it feels unfinished. I didn't get that feeling. It feels too big to please everyone. The game pits you in a grey future world, with grey characters. No black or white. The only thing certain is death. Quests reflect that. Some things are left vague. That doesn't mean the game it's unfinished. It's just not spoon-feeding you.

I'm assuming that the PC users who are complaining (not counting console users who were rightfully complaining) were expecting something else. I read the same press releases they did, so I don't know what they were expecting.

If you're expecting a GTA game with RPG elements, then it's definitely not for you. If you want an RPG set in a cyberpunk sci-fi setting, with all the philosophical, esoteric questions it raises (as is usual with this genre of fiction), then give it a chance. If you enjoy Altered Carbon, Blade Runner, Strange Days, Dredd, Total Recall, Impostor, Gattaca, Minority Report, then definitely get it (there's a little bit of everything I listed above, there).

I could write a lengthy essay why I absolutely love this game. That's how much I enjoyed it. We usually love games that either have a great story, great gameplay, challenge us in many ways, or all of the above. For me, Cyberpunk 2077 goes deeper than that.
Post edited February 13, 2021 by TheDudeLebowski
temps: Just wondering what the current state of the game is. I am interested in buying & playing, but I'm waiting for CD Projekt to patch it because I want a polished & premium game experience.

Are the problems people are complaining about fixed yet?
Depends on what issues specifically you're thinking of.

Personally I couldn't say much about performance. I have a good pc so it was never an issue for me. I had some bugs. They are rare for me but did require me to reload a save to continue.

Otherwise, nothing much changed since launch. There are still perks that don't work. Driving AI and civilian AI is very basic (the driving AI is very annoying if you don't fast travel; AI cars often stop for no reasons and block the roads). The combat AI is ok if you go head-on, but they have no clues if you snipe them through obstacles or use quickhacks. If you have double jump you can easily access areas that you're not suppose to enter.The cop system is still what it was on launch day: they spawn behind you when you attack civilians, but otherwise won't spawn or do car chases.

Of course, there are other issues like a weak roleplay experience, but I guess that's not what you're asking about. If you're in for the fights, I say wait a few months at least. In fact I would recommend wait for at least an year and buy the goty edition. Hope this helps.
Post edited February 13, 2021 by zollac
temps: Just wondering what the current state of the game is. I am interested in buying & playing, but I'm waiting for CD Projekt to patch it because I want a polished & premium game experience.

Are the problems people are complaining about fixed yet?
A mixed bag, really. I saw what I believe to be all endings for the male character and finished all story side quests after about 70 hours. I did not preorder and only bought this after seeing some reviews, so I knew what I get myself into.

I really like the game world, the characters and the narration. Performance is fine for me on a laptop with a RTX2060 running the game on ultra at 1080p. I had some bugs which were mostly minor but of which a handful almost got me stuck (an enemy with a keycard clipped through the floor of an elevator or in one mandatory dialogue in a questline the wrong dialogue options were displayed leaving me first unable to conclude the dialogue).

I did have a great time actually, but I went in expecting an 8/10 adventure with stellar graphics rather than the RPG of the decade. Combat can be fun, although the AI is just not very good. You should also not expect too much in terms of build variety and dialogue choices.

No idea how much they can or will improve upon this. I could see myself going for another play through if they manage to make some serious improvements or if modders have a go at it. I would definitely not outright recommend it, since many complaints are warranted (although they of course reflect the overblown marketing for the game), but I was able to have a good time with it in the state it is in now.

Also, all things aside, while a lot of people complain about delays, GOG has a very generous refund policy and refunds seem to go through eventually, so if you don't need the money to come back to you right away, you could just try it.
temps: Just wondering what the current state of the game is. I am interested in buying & playing, but I'm waiting for CD Projekt to patch it because I want a polished & premium game experience.

Are the problems people are complaining about fixed yet?
Lets come back to this subject as of 2-12-22.
temps: Just wondering what the current state of the game is. I am interested in buying & playing, but I'm waiting for CD Projekt to patch it because I want a polished & premium game experience.

Are the problems people are complaining about fixed yet?
Let put on this way, this is an action game, the passing of the events is constant and fast to keep you busy and leveling up.

If you have watched the trailers of this game, since the gameplay reveal and so on, you basically saw most of the events part of the Act 1, when it comes to the main quest.

if you follow the main quest without do much side stuff, the experience is almost smooth when it comes to minor visual glitches and things that make no sense, like for example, go meeting the Militech using an motorcycle, and after the dialogue scenes, your motorcycle is no longer there, just your car, waiting you on a different position from where you come.

I personally prefer be stealth all the time, using the enviroment to fool the enemies and take then down by furtive, it reduces the chances of much problems around, because the AI is very broken.

Always try to leave your car or bike out of the street, like in an alley, to prevent other cars to stop in line, because if you choose to fight with guns and bombs, the chances of many cars get shot by the enemy is big, and if they explode, this may activate the cops, that are basically an broken feature, turning a simple fight against some random gang point, a clusterfuck.

The city itself is pretty, water effects are unfinished, sometimes models used for LOD appear close to the detailed ones, damaged structures falls around, then disapear, then appear again, the enemy may stumble over dead bodies during action, random NPCs spawns like magic, cars colliding with structures, you stop your car and maybe an NPC walk across you and the car like a ghost, we see NPCs running in the air when combat starts close to some bridge, very few times the list of answer during an dialogue glitches, there is no way to move up or down, requires reload, a boss may get stuck in the scenario, it´is very rare, but it happen, like inside the All Foods, some surfaces may reduce the speedy of your car, bike, like the entrance of the Lizzie's club, etc.

If you are the type who really delve into the world, seeking immersion, the glitches that happen now are going to slowly pisses you off, believe me, anyone saying that everything is running without any type of problem, is lying, simple as that.

It´s a cool game, if they fixe more things, you feel that at some point, this game was immensely projected to be an amazing, maybe not groundbreaking on every feature, but a fantastic living open world.

is up to you.
Post edited February 17, 2021 by user deleted
Others did mention pretty good points about the game itself. But also, remember the hardware. What are you playing on?

If it is a last gen console, no, don't do it. Just don't.

PS5 version is not out yet. But apparently the PS4 version is playable on PS5. If you can find a physical copy since it's not on PS store. So if you have one of the new gen consoles, it should run.

If you have a PC, it better be good. And I guess you should have an NVIDIA card. A good one.

I haven't read any info if AMD or NVIDIA makes a difference, but I have a friend with a PC that is very similar to mine, in terms of processing power, memory and such. But we have completely the opposite experiences with Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Cyberpunk 2077. I have barely any bugs in Cyberpunk 2077, but AC Valhalla is a bugfest. And it's getting worse; the 1.1.1 update actually introduced hell of a lot crashes. Before that I just had glitches and softlocks and the game only crashed if I tried to take a screenshot, but now it crashes constantly. My friend says Valhalla runs like a dream, but Cyberpunk 2077 is unplayable.

I have Intel and NVIDIA. He has everything AMD. Cyberpunk 2077 has been developed using RTX cards, afaik. Ubisoft has those AMD logos in the beginning of their games. I guess that might be a factor. But like I said, I have not read about any comparisons and the sample size for me and my friend is rather small -- just us two.