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Edit reviews
This is still not implemented? Wtf... It's things like this that make Steam so much better, it just doesn't lack the obvious feature.
A feature to remove a review is also a must-have.
When the circumstances of which a review is posted have changed it would be nice to go back and re-review it. Like a game that advertises support for a platform doesn't actually support it till days or weeks later. Or a game breaking bug that prevents a game from being played or stops progression gets patched, etc. People (should) review based on their experiences with a game, when those experiences change the review should be able to reflect that for good or bad.
True, It'd be nice to be able to fix a spelling mistake that escaped my notice.
Man they still didn't make it happen. Hope they revise their review system soon. Right now it's just no use and I usually go over to steam to check their reviews instead.
Just being able to edit the verbiage would be wonderful. Even if the score was locked from edits to protect against review bombs, the content should be easily fixed.
Editing reviews and (also) editing those comments would be nice, with Git-style edit history of course (for obvious reasons). Right now if one messed up or the circumstances changed and the concerns towards a game were addressed they have no means to fix what was done. This feels very archaic and backwards.
Look, I wanted to until understand why CD Projekt Red didn't find this feature relevant on GOG in begin, and apparently still doesn't.
Though I understand that allowing users to edit reviews could open the door for various kinds of misuse, it's really frustrating to this grammarian when I notice - immediately after posting my review - that I have misspelled something or forgotten to type an article, etc. Not being able to edit that out kind of sucks.
Also consider letting users change their vote on the helpfulness of a review as well so the "score" can reflect the edited content better.
me too
i just noticed this - and i am just mind-blown, how is this missing?
Are we still not able to edit reviews?
No edit-function on reviews in 2024 - are you kidding me?
It´s so basic... and everyone has to edit a review (spelling etc.)...
No fun doing reviews if I can´t correct them.
Or you can see it as taking a picture. You can't change it anymore... a moment lost in time. Art... :)
Please CD Project, implement this feature in GOG, it is necessary, we want it this.
I had to come here to see that I cant edit my only review lol wow do some work GOG
I am not writing reviews because of missing Edit/Delete options.
Going through customer support for this is just cumbersome.
I wanted to edit a review and contacted the support:
They deleted my old review. My guess would be that they will add a feature to edit reviews if they receive enough tickets concerning the matter. Otherwise it doesn't seem necessary.
GoG? I have invested in almost 300 games. Please add this feature. Pretty please?
and GoG said "Let there be edit!" and edit then was.
Yeah, very strange. GoG wants to save any pennies possible from thair servers traffic, even if it means to erase player's cloud saves, or not inlcude basic features like editing reviews and the possibility for users to privately see their own reviews first in queue...
Same here. I'd like to change 2 or 3 reviews myself
I'd like this as well. I need to change my review of Gunship/Gunship 2000 since they fixed it.
+1 for this, not that it matters. I wrote a review halfway through a game and want to clarify my thoughts now that I've finished it.
More than 15 years and such basic feature missing... seriously :(
c'mooon GOG I wanna edit some typos and stuff for my reviews. But the person who created this wish had a much more compelling argument for adding this feature. Would really appreciate it.
LOL. 10 years without basic function. Maybe it's time to hire professionals and fire students?
I guess Alpha Protocol was more important than this feature :)
How is this not a basic feature ?
Editing reviews is a very necessary feature! And I hope that it will be added to GOG.
Also, I would like to see my review first on the game's page (for me only, of course) so I don't have to search for it among other reviews. Or, if there was a list with all the reviews in the user's profile :)
literally they got to let us change reviews. ive played a game recently at first i found bugs etc, then i decided to finish it. well id definitely give it a 4 from 1.
Its bad cause when game devs know about this its harder and harder to let their games on GOG.
I wouldnt put my game on GOG either if i knew that reviews cant cange....
Also here from searching. How peculiar.
It concerns me that this isn't possible because of how inaccurate or outdated reviews could be, including one I just posted and want to update because I posted it in haste.
Would be much appreciated. Many reviews are outdated, mentioning that there are missing DLCs that since have been fixed
This feature should be really easy to implement... so why all this time!
It has become abundantly clear that GOG is only capable of providing a satisfactory service in selling games. Every other function on the platform is poorly thought out, or simply missing. There is no other reason for basic features like this to not exist.
And as they've also pruned less-than-stellar reviews, it would be smart for us users to simply disregard all the scores hosted by GOG.
jmayer70: no possibility to edit reviews and in the last days I found out that there aren't any img/bin/cue/iso files of the former cd into the downloaded dos games from gog. Gog uses encrypted txt files instead. Responsible citizen undesired.
@shickmickey, yes, I believe they are fiddling review votes as well.
Guys, it's been over 10 years that people have cried out for this. GOG didn't listen then, are not listening now, and won't listen in the future.
This pipe dream will never come to be.
I made an Review for ICBM, but later on learned, that the Issue wasn't actually existing and was due to Galaxy using a not-Updated, very old, Beta-Version.
Posted a review when the game was in early access, wanted to edit it, ended up here.
What the actual fuck, gog.
Honestly, why is this not a feature now? Either it should be added yesterday ago, or we should be given an explanation as to why it isn't a feature.
I've learned a lot more about Grimoire; I'd like to talk much more eloquently and in-depth about it.
After posting I noticed a typo in the title of my review and I can't fix it. WTF?
Not having the most basic features was fine when GoG was a small boutique shop selling games from 30 years ago for a dollar. Now?
I totally understard why people go to Steam to buy games even if the same games are cheaper on GoG.
GoG, we want to support a DRM-free store but get your s**t together. It's fine if you want to dedicate resources to turn Galaxy into the ultimate launcher but don't do it at the expense of the rest of the platform. You're no longer so small that you can't afford to hire full time devs to bring your site to the 21st century.
You know I'd love to edit the comment I just put in here, but you can't do that either! It's slowly starting to sink in that all the small stuff like this is why Steam's so far ahead of everything else, it's a very well oiled service. Anyways what I actually wanted to add is I had written maybe 1000 extra words for a game, taking review editing for granted, so that's an evening wasted. Thanks GOG! Man this really small window for writing the comments also sucks.
well damn, this sucks
Is it a problem of inconspicuously manipulating the sales statistic of a game? Are they using bots to control the yes/no rating under each review? Will it be too difficult to keep it secret when enabling to change the stars of a review later?
How about senseless gog advertising slogans in which they would like to know everything about their customers and their wishes!?? It's all a bad joke.
wait, its like this for everyone??: i thought it was an issue with just me, but this is just absurd to not allow to edit reviews. wtf, gog??
Please. It's the 21st century. Add this option.
+1. I often leave reviews midway through a game, especially if I find the game is really buggy or performs poorly and will update the score when I've beaten it or when the game receives a major update.
I just did this, didn't see a warning and am now unable to edit or remove my review unless I contact support. It's extremely bizarre to me that it's not possible to remove or edit reviews on GoG.
363 comments about this wish