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Bring back GOG Connect
IMHO Steam Connect was a selective Giveaway for people who already bought something elsewhere (namely Steam). I find it better to have occasional Giveaways for everyone, which doesn't exclude people – and which GOG has. Long story short: Giveaways YES, GOG Connect NO. Because everyone should benefit, not a selected few... You know what would be better: the other way around: buy it (and pay for it) on GOG, get the Steam game for free!
Just LOL. Want a DRM free game you own on Steam? Then BUY it again on GOG! It isn't hard. Why would GOG give you free games if you spent your money on Steam? DRM free doesn't come cheap for GOG and they need money support to keep going
yo some of you guys be posting from the future
At least keep this initiative for your own games, give us a GOG copy of The Witcher series or CP2077 if we bought somewhere else.
I don't think they will. The reason they likely stopped was because they were losing money on it, which totally makes sense.
+1 from me as well
I remember I managed to catch a few games transferred to my account using GOG connect. Would love to see it back, even if it meant paying a small fee for it, or maybe even in the form of a highly discounted price of each game ported.
Started using GOG after this feature was stopped and it would be great if it was still around so we could merge over old steam games. I agree with Fuguss that I would be willing to pay a small percentage to GOG and the publisher but don't want to pay for the same game twice. If this isn't a feature it makes no sense to buy new games from GOG with an entire library on steam
Buying a game from a different Platform and getting it on GOG doesn't seem quite right does it?
You can just buy the desired game again on GOG to get it here and DRM Free, Supporting both the Publisher and GOG
Wasn't it disabled because for longest time no publisher was willing to take part in it?
There is little point in supporting feature that is not going to be used. At this point if someone wants to give gog copy of their game someone owns on steam they can probably just deliver them gog keys.
I personally barely even play games anymore but do make it a point to keep an offline storage of my collection. I am a hoarder like that.
But one thing I have zero desire to do is pay for games I don't even play much anymore from my old steam days, especially at full price.
But would definitely enjoy actually having GoG Connect back to update my library. The only games I have paid for recently have all been GoG games for the new ones, but that whole old catalogue I am just not able to do.
If you guys just offered a GoG Connect option where we had to connect it and pay 5% of the cost, many of us would gladly poor some cast into that. All you would have to do is make sure a steam/epic/other account can only ever be linked to a single GoG account and the exploitation potential would basically be nil.
I really liked GoG Connect. If I buy a game it should be mine, period. I shouldn't have to buy it multiple times.
yes, GOG connect come back will be cool :)
Yeah, now would be a really good time to bring back GOG Connect to allow people to move away from Steam a little more easily, especially if we were able to import most of our library .. I think now with people having more awareness of what companies are doing with digital media and how little they care about the consumer, it could be an incentive to get people to actually make the switch to one that actually supports the user experience. Doubt this will happen, but one can dream. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[*] killed ;D
* killed :)
good feature kiled
I want them to bring it back. And add a "reverse GOG Connect" if we're at it, allow game publishers to put in Steam codes that would allow people who own specific title on GoG to also activate it on Steam.
As Warner don't make anything to remove Denuvo from Mad Max on Steam. So it would be nice to redeem on GoG.
It was removed, because for longest time there were no new games offered. There is no incentive for publishers to do that sadly.
I'm so sad... I've install for the first time GOG. I want to use connect functionality, for use my steam games here. And I understand that the service has ended.
Why I don't have use more earlier !
I will uninstall GOG and never come back here (unless if you reactivate the GOG connect)...
Sad to see this end, was a very cool project. Would really appreciate it's return.
I would definitely support this as well but I don't think it will happen due to 1 major sticking point.
I don't think GoG can do this at all without the permission of the developer for each game they put on it. And you can imagine how many want to do that versus salivating at the idea of forcing you to pay them twice for the game to get it here.
I would also be interested to have GOG Connect back, that's a great feature, that's what got me interested in GOG Galaxy when it was still in beta, I didn't have any games at the time and didn't see the point of installing yet another launcher, GOG Connect is just perfect for new players who wouldn't really be okay with installing an empty launcher, most people would think just: "Too bad, I'm going to install this game on Steam".
Agreed. It was a good incentive and part of why I started up with GOG over Steam in the first place.
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