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Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X
one can dream
@ Kingphil006 do some researches, for god sake instead of trolling.
there is no official pc port of this game, it came out only on consoles.
request games here that gog can release and has a pc port, not games that came out only on console
i have it on gamecube . it was never pc a pc port. can we go back to actual games that gog can release without porting?
Love how people make wishlists like this without even making some research first. The game wasn't ever released on PC (just on PS4/5 but via emulation) and even if it happened, it would've been released yeeeeears ago on Steam. Now you may say "but GOG has games that aren't on Steam! So there's hope it could be released as an exclusive here!", that's another problem, because one thing are games not sold anywhere because licensing issues and other thing is games that were never ported to PC. GOG can just "fix" old games and make them compatible with current Windows and not PC port makers. All that said, I'd love to see Capcom making a port of this game, since it os one of my favorite RE games, but it will be more likely to be seen at steam and than here...
let's make this happen!
you can all dream about it, there is no official PC port of this game as it came out only on consoles.
Go f..k all yourself at gog, I am gonna enjoy my ps2 version of the game.
the HD version which is only on ps3/360 needs to be made avaliable on GOG
please get it out for pc
+1 please please please
good game
Best version is on game cube. Google Dolphin , emulatort, and play it there, its very easy
This game deserve to be ported to the PC.
So what if there's no "PC version" (PC is not a platform) - GOG sells some emulated games too! And if all the wishes here have to be realistic then better remove over half of the entries.
Not completely pointless - Capcom do have a habit of bringing classics to PC (usually way past the point that they should have). Case in point - Dragon's Dogma and now supposedly Okami HD is coming to PC and next-gen consoles. Although it's a long shot for sure - it's not completely hopeless.
No PC version was ever made or existed, pointless entry in wishlist.
Not (yet) a PC game, twit. And if it ever is remade, guranteed to be Steamworks only and never show up here.
Never say never, RE1 from GameCube, was also ported (sadly only to steam)
Can be done with a dreamcast emulator... but presents a nasty, game-breaking bug towards the end of the game.
I love Code Veronica and I was hoping since it was re-released for the PS3/360 that a version could be made for the PC.
People keep adding console games to be funny.
no, is not a pc game...
I think this is not for pc... but who knows... :)
24 comments about this wish