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Dune 2000
Why is Dune 2000 not on gog yet?
Come on gog we know you can get it done
I wait so long !
This would be amazing!
the original can be downloaded from various websites but no longer works on modern 64 bit systems this game needs to be on gog with unnoficial patches and custom resolution options, please make it happen i would buy it the same day its on gog
My favourite RTS game
Dune 2000 must be on GOG!
how is this not on GOG yet?
Dune 2000 please
Dune2000 would be great!!!
still waiting for this game
game please!
1 +
I ment 2023
I have been hollering for this game since 2033. Make it happen!
Dune 2000 please
I played this game a LOT back in the day. Would love to be able to play it again. We have all the Command & Conquers, Why not Dune as well?
We want this game. Please make our day and do it for us.
Bring this back please! I bought this game and now I cant play it anymore for some reason. What happened?
Please make Dune 2000 available on PC for Windows 7 / 10 / 11 ! Even if that means just packing Gruntsmod version but making sure its got the cutscenes and the best possible music included !!
Make it available for purchase, please. Me and this game are almost the same age.
Running Dune2k in a VM is too much trouble. I'll buy a Dune 2k GOG version as soon as it's available. What's the hold-up?
I will buy this game in a heartbeat
Hi there, so many gamers are still waiting for Dune 2000.
Can we still expect support for Dune 2000 for Windows 11?
It's high time to return to Arrakis!
we really need this on GOG !
Its also a very good time to add considering the premiere of Dune: Part 2 in cinemas
I can see the game in my search results on GOG Galaxy, but not on the website. Could it be that GOG is about to add the game?? Trying to contain my excitement.
Would be nice to bring back the old Dune games, especially with the success of the movie, and the renewed interest in all things Dune.
Dune 2000+Dune 2
Spice must flow
Yep, we still need this game :DDD
1 +
deff yes beacuse....the spice must flow
Yes please
Please get this game!
Me too. Great game. I have the original CD, but a GOG release would mean I never have to find a way to get it to install.
would be cool to have here. i missed it back then when it came out and now as the new movies attrackt new fans, a rerelase here would be awesome. lokks better then the old c&c games but also has nice real filmed videos. need it ^_^
gimme some spice melange pls
I will 100% buy this game, please release it!
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! Sorry the caps, but so want it.
Please make it happen already
i so want this!! gimme gimme gimme. my wallet is ready.
Hmm too bad the house of Herbert’s won’t let it be sold on GOG.
Instant sale if offered in the GOG library!
I really hope this will be possible
yep go go get it
Yes Dune 2000 I vote for it as well!
Dune: Spice Wars was released in Early Access from Legendary (the studio that made the 2021 movie).
They probably have the video game rights to Dune alongside the film and television rights.
Hopefully, Legendary can re-release the Westwood Dune games similar to how Alcon re-released the Blade Runner game after Blade Runner 2049's release, another Denis Villeneuve '80s sci-fi revival.
One can get an updated version (compatible with Win10) here:
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