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Well I try to play UFO: Afterlight when it first came out with great hopes in my soul and mind. But it disappointed me. From story point of view it was cool. It has its own touch, its own version of aliens and personality of human side. But gameplay was just week - RTS/Turn mix was unbalanced to me, sometimes my target or my team spawn in place where you just cant left (like river in the city) and base construction was not that cool. It also has some good points like attacking bases etc. But overall it was disappointment - not because it wasn't X-Com, just because it wasn't that good...
I try UFO: Aftershock with bigger reserve (still remembering first one). I was happy that it starts from the "other ending" of first one. Also it has much stronger gameplay from the first one. It was much, MUCH, better and cool to play. Still I didn't finish it but I must admit that this one is much stronger and better position. If I ever recommend that series I usually say that they should start from the second one.
I never try third one but I heard that it is even better than second one.
Btw - from X-Com style game I usually recommend UFO: Extraterrestrial as a spiritual successor of the X-Com style and feel. It is cool and fun so try it ppl :)
Sorry - I was talking about UFO: Aftermath.
U:E i will defend toomorow after a good night of sleep ;) Cya then :)
Sorry - totally forgot about it ^_^'
Well - as for defending...
U:E do not try to hide it tries to be X-Com 1. It did it in like 75% but modes has been created and it becomes 100%. Its not perfect but its cool and as I have played it right after refreshing memories with X-Com series I must admit it actually did it pretty good in comparison with UFO series (according to me). It also tries to be a little bit up to date with interface and game play (it actually allows to choose from few interfaces). You either like it or not - it was risky and it is probably its biggest + and -. As its try to hit original fans they copy some ideas from X-Com story (like some aliens design etc) as a fan service. Of course by coping some stuff from X-Com they miss on one important thing - going forward. But I think they was aiming on going retro with new graphics and they did... ok.
I am not saying U:E is perfect but it is a very good game that was aiming on emulating fun that creates and games was missing for past few years.
About UFO series - first one suppose to be a unofficial new part of X-Com series created by original X-Com team. It was called Dreamland Chronicles but then it was bought by Altar and remade with very few elements left in that project. For me story was cool but game totally to buggy - weapons and aliens unbalanced, missions has a quite a few bugs etc. U:E was simple and do not have place for bugs, and story was still interesting. It has this same approach as old X-Com and that's why I like it. Saying that it was unmoral that designers took so much from an original is strange. Gamers want new X-Com turn-based strategy for quite a long time and game companies keep ignoring us for that time. I remember only UFO series as an attempt and to many it wasnt enough. I do not see anything bad about creating an remake of original. They took only turn-base mechanics and part of the story - like many other games that try to remake some classics (Jagged Alliance copies, Transport Tycoons clones, 1000 of simlike games, S/f RTS, Fantasy Warcraft wannabe RTS, Heroses of Might and Magic wannabe turn games and many more like new WW2 one-man-army shooters - btw. if any game designers is reading this WE HAVE ENOUGH! TRY TO DO SOME GAME ABOUT OTHER WAR! LIKE CIVIL WAR! WW1! VIETNAM WAR! IRAQ WAR - FOR GOD SAKE THERE IS SO MANY CONFLICTS LEAV WW2 ALONE ALREADY! GOD....). For one time sbd try to copy X-Com so us fans can play it with new graphics so why not? Its cool.
We are still waiting for true X-Com Apocalipse (finished one with rts-turn-based mechanics and more diplomatic options, and more infiltration options etc). Or new X-Com or sth. Ppl out there – just do it finally. Please :3 But it is cool that sbd try to bring original one to newer times.
Of course we have one game thats pretty true to X-Com concept (it is only laking economic part of original game) - Silent Storm and for me it is almost perfect from point of view of UFO fan.
PS abt confusion with titles
@frostcircus - oh come on I now you was aware about which UFO game I was talking about. I made mistake with titles but it was pretty clear from context so no more low moves ;) kk? :)