Magic is retreating from the land of Kal Torlin and shadows once again begin to move across the land. You embody the sorceress Raven, Lakmir the Timeless’ great-great-granddaughter, on her quest to restore the ancient magic to its rightful place. Equipped with nothing more than Lakmir’s Chrono-Orb and accompanied by your sarcastic companion, Yorick, you make your way toward the source of the blight – Castle Shadowgate.
Devious monsters and cleverly crafted puzzles await you within the legendary castle. To defeat these dark denizens that bar your way, you will need to build your storybook and learn six schools of powerful spells. Interpreting the stories and combining and mastering the spells will be the difference between a swift victory or an untimely death.
So take courage! Although darkness awaits within Shadowgate and the Grim Reaper stalks its ancient halls, you will prevail! You must! For the fate of Kal Torlin rests upon your stalwart shoulders!
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